Breda Fowl thread

That's interesting about the male/female differences noticed, I will sit out there and see if I notice that too. The Bredas pictures are so great!
Thanks for sharing, really great article and information. I will go re-examine mine for coloring and gender and look into the sites you said. Thanks.
We just won an auction by Greenfire .... Adult trio being shipped today. splash cock blue and black hens, can't wait to get them!
Finally I have some pictures to post...Here are 2 of my Bredas that would hold still...the rest were trying to get into my lap, lol.
We just won an auction by Greenfire .... Adult trio being shipped today. splash cock blue and black hens, can't wait to get them!

Congraduations! I followed the auction on What an oportunity to get an imported rooster.

Note: His photo is post #28 on this thread so he is somewhat of a celebraty on here.

I am glad that you are sharing with us. I am guessing that your cockerel is the father of half of my juvinile pair and am glad to know who has him. We look forward to hearing more from you.

What part of the country are you located?

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