Breed, gender, and health of my 7 week old chickens

A few people have been able to have a 1/1 ratio but often times the hen with get over mated. You could potentially try it, but you will probably either need more hens, or get rid of one roo :(

Can I keep 2 hens with 1 rooster for a week, then keep the 2 hens with the other rooster for the next week?
LCan I keep 2 hens with 1 rooster for a week, then keep the 2 hens with the other rooster for the next week?
I've seen some try it! Not sure how it turned out though.

Some people will keep a flock with just roosters, called a batchlor flock. What if instead of having pairs of 1 hen/1 roo you had the two roos together and the two hens together. If you are looking for fertilized eggs this won't work, but if you want to keep them as pets then this could work!
I've seen some try it! Not sure how it turned out though.

Some people will keep a flock with just roosters, called a batchlor flock. What if instead of having pairs of 1 hen/1 roo you had the two roos together and the two hens together. If you are looking for fertilized eggs this won't work, but if you want to keep them as pets then this could work!
Why wouldnt it work for fertilized eggs though?
Hello! I want to know the breed of my approximately 6 week old chickens. Please also tell me their gender, I think the two ones to the right are hens, and the two ones to the left are roosters. Am I right? The one to the extreme right is an 8 week old, the one to the left of that is about 6 week old, and the ones at the left are 8 or 7 week olds. Please tell me what you think their age and gender is, and while you are there, do my chicks look healthy? And before you judge the dirty background, it was dirty only this particular day, most other days there is just a dropping or two. Thanks for your time, really would appreciate an answer, and do appreciate your time for reading this. Good day!View attachment 2442263
If I keep both the roosters and hens together, will it cause any major problems, and will I get fertilized eggs?
You'll get fertilized eggs, and have the roosters fighting constantly because there are only two hens. The males may mellow out when one clearly is better than the other, but with only two hens, it may not be as easy
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If I keep both the roosters and hens together, will it cause any major problems, and will I get fertilized eggs?
yes you will get fertilized eggs, one problem that may arise is your roosters may start fighting for dominance, usually around 6-7 months of age this will start to happen, depending on the breed will determine the extent of the fighting. In some breeds the dominant rooster will not tolerate another rooster around his hens.

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