Breed/Hen or Roo?


7 Years
Apr 16, 2014
Hey all! So bought this chick labeled Ameraucauna pullet. About 16-17 weeks old now. Started crowing at 5:30am the last 3 mornings lol. Pretty sure at this point "she's" a roo. Bummer because I was excited for blue eggs lol What do y'all think? Also, is this an Ameraucauna or an Easter egger?


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Yep, I'd say that's a roo. Often this coloration on EEs is roo. I really wanted a white EE hen, and every white one I've gotten has ended up a roo, so I feel your pain! He is absolutely beautiful, though!
Thank you all for the confirmations! Bummer. I don't get how the livestock stores can falsely advertise this breed. In any case, so far he is very sweet and just beautiful so he's a keeper for now!
Its not the feed stores, they post what they're told by the hatchery. The hatcheries essentially took a flock of mixed colored ameraucana back in the day (I'm saying like back in the 80s) and let them breed; messing up the colors. They eventually threw in some chickens that lay more often then ameraucana and then threw in more ameraucana to upkeep the blue egg gene.
The basic ameraucana type EE, like yours, has ameraucana blood no doubt... but most of the time they sell them as americana (note the I). Its bait and switch, plain and simple.
Its some what easier to tell with the EEs that have legbar blood in them, since they have crests.
Thank you all for the confirmations! Bummer. I don't get how the livestock stores can falsely advertise this breed. In any case, so far he is very sweet and just beautiful so he's a keeper for now!

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