Breed Recomend?

J's Orpingtons

8 Years
Nov 14, 2011
Somewhere in NI...
HI I was looking into getting a trio of geese
and I got a good price for a pair of chinease geese £25 pretty good, as i saw other people selling a pair for £50 but now I'm a bit puzzled cause peeps said they can be a very alert breed and used as gaurding, so there dangerous round children
so i have two children a six year old so don't think i'll get chinease what other breeds are there? That aren't so...angry?
For a smaller breed that looks lovely then I'd go for Sebastopols, for a larger breed I'd pick Dewlap Toulouse. My experience of both breeds with children is very good but be aware all ganders are usually protective of their territory and mate in the breeding season.

All Goose Breeds are gonna have the possibility of being "dangerous". Kids tend to take more liberties around them than a adult would. This is what can lead them to getting bitten. Personally my Chinese geese have all been wonderful. However, if you would prefer another you could look at Pilgrims,Buffs, Pomeranian, Toulouse, and Roman Tufted. These are just a few different ones. There are much more information on
I didn't have any problems with the Chinese geese I used to own.

Geese are best treated like they are geese and not like they are lap dogs. Train the children that the geese aren't to be bothered or petted and you probably won't have any problems. Unless the geese you are getting are adults and already trained to behave badly.

I don't recommend geese around small children as a generalization. If the children are well behaved and the geese properly confined, it is fine. The problem is that most people won't maintain the conditions that keep both the children and the geese safe and then the geese get blamed for only doing what geese do..
You need to see their temperament first. Some adults are fine near new people. Others are very aggressive. Its all up to the individual goose.
J's Orpingtons :

Should I have a look at them first?

Most defiantly. You need to check:

Quality of the birds
Make sure they come from a clean environment
ANY sign of sickness

Also you HAVE to quarantine any new birds. Not all diseases will show signs in birds.​
I would for sure go look at them before making a committment. And good luck. Geese are awesome, they just aren't cuddly doggies.
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