Breed Recommendations for a newbie

My girls number 12 ea, 4 Red Sex Links (22 weeks), 2 Barred Rocks (16 weeks), 1 Buttercup (16 weeks), 2 Golden Sex Links (6 weeks), 1 Rhode Island White (6 weeks), 1 Golden Laced Wyandotte (6 weeks), & 1 Delaware (6 weeks) Oh she turned out to be a HE ! So now I have a roo.... really didn't want one, but were willing to give the little guy a chance. The only ones laying at this point are my RSL girls. It seemed to me that they were a lil standoffish at first, as time went on they became friendly-er. Now that they are laying they've become Super friendly, they come running when i come out of the house. They even got better with my ducks & geese. But for me so far my best/friendlist are the RSL's.
Red Sex Links (also know as Isa Brown, Red Stars, (etc)) are docile and friendly. They lay enormous eggs, light brown color. They're a pretty bird, and excellent choice for a beginner, as they're easy to look after. You can read my article on them, which is in my signature.
Here's a picture of one of mine.
I have all the "nice chicken breeds", RIR, Orpingtons, and BR. At first the RIR were really sweet and now at about 30 weeks not so much. They don't really want anything to do with me, they lay really nice eggs and the rooster is sweet. My buff opringtons are nice, but not overly friendly and lay nice eggs too. Although they are good free rangers, but the roosters are not nice at all. My most friendly chickens are my BR, they are so sweet. I have several hens that want nothing more than to be in my lap or on my shoulder. Very sweet chickens and were my first hens to lay and lay they do. I always have eggs from my barred's. All lay nice big light pinkish to dark brown eggs.
I think Orpingtons would be best for you. I hear good things about sex-links, as well.
Brahmas have wonderful dispositions, but supposedly they aren't the best layers. I have had two, though and one started at 5 months and layed about 5-6 eggs per weeks for the rest of her life. Her sister didn't lay until she was a year, but has been faithful to give us 5 or 6 eggs a week since.

Best of luck with your birds!
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everyone that has responded has great suggestions. My dad sold our rabbits to people with the right to return and forfeit the cost when the hobby got old for the children. I would try to find a breeder near you with the right to return the pullets if they become aggressive. Even the best of the orpingtons get a bad one once in a while. Hatchery chicks might be crossed with breed that causes different traits than you expect.
I love my naked necks n my frizzles n silkies,even tho not much an egg to fir egg eating love my easter eggers n blue copper marans.yes I agree buy from ones that have chickens n hatch chicks then a hatchery their healthier by far.
BTW whats the difference between RSL (Red Sex Linked), Golden Comet, Star and ISA Brown? Mine were sold to me as ISA Brown, however I don't see any visual differences between the four of these breeds.
They are all the same birds! Just called different names by different breeders/areas!

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