Breed to go with pekin bantams


Apr 14, 2020
Hampshire, UK
Hi everyone!

I've just upgraded my wooden coop to an eglu cube with a 3m run. I currently have 4 small pekin bantams but the cube looks a bit sparse and I'd love to add a couple of additional hens from another breed. I wanted some advice on a breed that would go well with my current flock. Would be nice if the new girls had an interesting trait, such as coloured eggs or larger eggs etc..

As a side note, one of our hens is at the top of the pecking order and can be a bit of a bully to the others (especially one sickly girl we have) would that be ok with the newbies?

Thanks for any help! :)
the cube looks a bit sparse
No need to make it look like a can of sardines! :gig
Sorry, hope you have a sense of humor.
They are probably enjoying the new extra space.

As a side note, one of our hens is at the top of the pecking order and can be a bit of a bully to the others (especially one sickly girl we have) would that be ok with the newbies?
The bullying and illness could be from crowding.
I would not try to add birds to that small of a set up.
They probably fit fine as is, integration works best with 'extra' space.
No need to make it look like a can of sardines! :gig
Sorry, hope you have a sense of humor.
They are probably enjoying the new extra space.

The bullying and illness could be from crowding.
I would not try to add birds to that small of a set up.
They probably fit fine as is, integration works best with 'extra' space.

Hi, sorry I should elaborate that they arent confined to the run, they have a large garden and the new coop is for 10 chickens so they really are tiny in there :) we'd love to get 2 more hens, any suggestions?
Hi, sorry I should elaborate that they arent confined to the run, they have a large garden and the new coop is for 10 chickens so they really are tiny in there :) we'd love to get 2 more hens, any suggestions?
Maybe I misunderstood....the new coop is an Eglu Cube?
Even if they are free range, they all have to spend the night in the coop.
If you do get more birds, bantams would probably be the best choice.

Oh, and, pardon my lack of manners....Welcome to BYC! @Emmalouise8
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
I enjoy phoenixes. I have standards and they're pretty small, they also have bantams too though that are almost a pount. The standards at least lay well and go broody often, but at night they like to roost
Maybe I misunderstood....the new coop is an Eglu Cube?
Even if they are free range, they all have to spend the night in the coop.
If you do get more birds, bantams would probably be the best choice.

Oh, and, pardon my lack of manners....Welcome to BYC! @Emmalouise8
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
View attachment 2089352
Thank you, I'll add it now (I'm in the UK)

That's right, omlet says it's for up to 10 chickens but dont specify whether this is bantams or full size so I thought I wouldn't push it, do you think it would be too small for 6 bantams?

Thanks for your help :)
That's right, omlet says it's for up to 10 chickens but dont specify whether this is bantams or full size so I thought I wouldn't push it, do you think it would be too small for 6 bantams?
All coop manufacturers state more birds than is usually healthy.
Most folks with experience have learned that halving those numbers is a good start.
Crowding causes all kinds of issues... I think you've witnessed in your 'old' and probably smaller coop?
Thinks the Cube is perfect for your 4...adding more would be very difficult and not a good idea in the long run.
That makes sense, oddly enough the old coop was only slightly smaller, just a smaller egg box really but claimed it was for 12 birds! It came with a tiny run too which we never used.
The upgrade to the eglu is to help with a rodent problem, so fingers crossed!
That makes sense, oddly enough the old coop was only slightly smaller, just a smaller egg box really but claimed it was for 12 birds! It came with a tiny run too which we never used.
Most coop manufacturers seem to use the factory farm standards of 1-2sqft of floor space for each bird. Here at BYC it's common to see 4sqft(I think some one doubled the 2 because we are trying to get away from factory farm conditions) which many of us have found is also a bit small, sometimes depending on other factors like climate and/or weather and predator proof run space. Any way what I've learned from copiously reading here and keeping chickens for 6 years is that space is critical, too little of it can make everyone(chickens and keepers alike) miserable.

The upgrade to the eglu is to help with a rodent problem, so fingers crossed!
Oh, that's a whole other ball game!!

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