

In the Brooder
7 Years
May 26, 2012
These two chicks in the picture are 3 days old. They came from Paris Farmers Union who gets their chicks from Murray McMurray. They are supposed to be an assorted mix of "heavy breeds" for meat, all cockerels. The woman at the store thought the yellow one was a Buff Orpington and the chestnut/yellow one a New Hampshire. Honestly, I know she didn't have a clue as she told me the barred rock (or male black sex link??) chicks were male golden laced wyandottes! Ummm, OK. I knew they weren't but it didn't really matter.

I just thought the little chestnut with yellow guys were sooo cute! Very pretty little fellows.
Here's what they look like at 17 days old:

These are the ones that used to look chestnut with the yellow wings.

This is the one that was all yellow in the 3 day old picture. He is 17 days old here.

Here's the 17 day old yellow chicks from above.

EDIT - because I messed up in one of my replies farther down - all of these do have SINGLE combs, no wyandotte type comb anywhere to be found. LOL.
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I was wondering about Buff Orpingtons, however, I wasn't sure about the color - it doesn't seem to be the rich color our previous buffs had. However, these are from a different hatchery, sooo???? The other - I had thought of Rhode Island Reds or New Hampshires. I wasn't sure, though, as most pics and descriptions have both those breeds looking an overall red and definitely more red for the older pictures. Maybe not though??
I was wondering about Buff Orpingtons, however, I wasn't sure about the color - it doesn't seem to be the rich color our previous buffs had.  However, these are from a different hatchery, sooo????  The other - I had thought of Rhode Island Reds or New Hampshires.  I wasn't sure, though, as most pics and descriptions have both those breeds looking an overall red and definitely more red for the older pictures.  Maybe not though??

That's the right colour for Buff Orps. Do they have pink or yellow legs?

Those look just like partridge rock chicks :)

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The buff colored boys have yellow legs. The others also have yellow legs. They never had the markings in the face that the picture of the partridge rocks you put up do. Could be a variation thing. I saw a pic of a couple of brown porcelain wyandotte chicks and they look just like these boys, only that breed isn't one that Murray McMurray has I don't think. Duh - I suppose I could ask Murray McMurray to ID a picture for me! Thanks for the help, everyone - I am learning a lot this way, keep the ideas coming!
partridge rocks are more brown and have a darker beak than the ones she has .
Breeder stock does, but not necessarily hatchery stock. You never see partridge that is as dark as it should be any more (in my opinion.) I have a really beautiful partridge cochin hen & cockerel (to convince him to breed chickens and not ducks is another topic - I want to breed them but no luck)
Here is my hen.
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