Breeder Pen Designs *Inspire Me*.

Thanks Alaskan. I haven't used them in the winter yet and not sure if they will be used in the winter but we had some spring snows and I didn't have any snow blow in them, although we didn't have as big of spring snows like we do in the winter where it gets really drifted. I faced the pens to the North towards prevailing wind so where I extended the siding to the ground blocks most of the drifting snow but I was thinking about covering the west side if I decide to use them in the winter cause we do get winds from the Northwest. I did wire them just in case they were used in winter.
Agreed, Going Quackers! Some folks know how to do it up right!

Thanks for sharing that, MTLandscaper!

Here I am, nebbing around in Chicken Land. I may be becoming a chicken matchmaker as well as a Duck Mom.
Let's start this thread up again! I'm looking to build turkey/chicken breeder pens right now. I want them to be mobile so the turkeys can graze most of their food but we have tons of predators here so that is a major problem. What do you all do to prevent them? Since I'll be breeding heritage turkeys, my breeder pens will have to be covered in something that keeps the turkeys in and hawks out. But most of the designs I've considered would be demolished by a raccoon or bypassed by a mink. So what are my options? Pictures are best :)
I am starting turkies this year also on a new property so not sure thr predators there would guess the usual suspects. I have some used truck caps I am thinking of using I have a couple months though to much snow outside right now.
well.... the mink should (hopefully) only kill at night, so the coop would need to be mink proof, not the run.

I don't have raccoons... do they kill in the daytime, or only at night?

Now birds of prey... I think I have all of those..

My moveable tractors are a bit too small for turkey (unless we are talking baby ones).

However, even with all of my raptors.. when I had geese free ranging I lost NONE! maybe, once the turkey are big enough, you wouldn't need crazy raptor protection... just some spots where the turkey could hide.
well.... the mink should (hopefully) only kill at night, so the coop would need to be mink proof, not the run.

I don't have raccoons... do they kill in the daytime, or only at night?

Now birds of prey... I think I have all of those..  :rolleyes:

My moveable tractors are a bit too small for turkey (unless we are talking baby ones).

However, even with all of my raptors.. when I had geese free ranging I lost NONE!  maybe, once the turkey are big enough, you wouldn't need crazy raptor protection... just some spots where the turkey could hide.

I want to get Embden Geese this summer! In my experience raccoons only come out at night but I would not put it past a hungry one to come out in the day. And raccoons are known for coming back every night to test the coop so one night forgetting to lock up can be disastrous.

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