Breeding Question


In the Brooder
Jan 13, 2018
Hey guys!
I have a flock of 9 currently
- 2 Welsummer
- 2 Crested Leghorns
- 1 Brahama
1- Cuckcoo Maran
- 1 Frizzle Bantam Rooster
- 1 Bantam Cochin
- 1 Supposed Buff Orpington but she is small so probably not true

My question is.. my Cukcoo Maran has gone broody and I am trying to decide between letting her try and hatch or discouraging her behavior. Will she be able to have fertile eggs if the rooster is bantam? Anything I should be worried about with the cross breeding ( if it is even possible) ?


Though I admit, that if I knew any chicks were going to be half bantam cochin, half large fowl layer, I probably wouldn't hatch them. I love my cochin banties, but I wouldn't want to deal with both the resulting roosters and with small, inefficient egg layers that are constantly broody.


Though I admit, that if I knew any chicks were going to be half bantam cochin, half large fowl layer, I probably wouldn't hatch them. I love my cochin banties, but I wouldn't want to deal with both the resulting roosters and with small, inefficient egg layers that are constantly broody.

That was super helpful! Thank you for the picture and the info. I had not thought about it like that.

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