Bresse Chickens

This thread is now several years old. Can anyone who has had the birds for a while now share their opinions on raising them and what they have determined as far as taste of the birds?
I just hatched my first Bresse chicks. When do you take them off of starter and free range them?
You can find out some good information about how we do it on our website under the post, "American Bresse Adventures." We have a three part series on our progress with our first set. Unfortunately it ended in a predator wipeout, but we are on our way again and will be updating soon. The first post directly addresses your question. Be sure to read all three or four entries though, as we continued to learn....
Brice @ SBF
I just hatched my first Bresse chicks. When do you take them off of starter and free range them?

    You can find out some good information about how we do it on our website under the post, "American Bresse Adventures."  We have a three part series on our progress with our first set.  Unfortunately it ended in a predator wipeout, but we are on our way again and will be updating soon.  The first post directly addresses your question.  Be sure to read all three or four entries though, as we continued to learn....
Brice @ SBF

Perfect!!! Thanks so much, Brice!!!
I have 7 of them...These will be my breeders...with The amount of eggs I got this year from folks I should have 100 on the ground but mybhatching skills ruined it this year;( I know for a fact 3 are roos...praying at least 2/4 left are pullets!!! Ill keep all pullets and 2 roos just in case and process the other roos...They are very docile and sweet...Makes it harder for me! Lol
I have 7 of them...These will be my breeders...with The amount of eggs I got this year from folks I should have 100 on the ground but mybhatching skills ruined it this year;( I know for a fact 3 are roos...praying at least 2/4 left are pullets!!! Ill keep all pullets and 2 roos just in case and process the other roos...They are very docile and sweet...Makes it harder for me! Lol
you can tell the roos fairly quickly, I can usualy spot it by 4-6 weeks.
Mine are finished - processing this weekend - not very meaty in my opinion... 75% free ranged - I'll post about the taste when we have an opinion.

Almost too pretty to eat.

Did you caponize any of the ones you processed? How old were they when you processed? Did you weigh them?

Sorry for all of the questions, but I have American Bresse as well. I caponized my extra roos, but one was a slip. They are 18 weeks old right now, so I am hopeful they will continue to grow. I would like to finish one of them out with grain and dairy for 30 days like the French and compare, but that will depend on the space I have when the time comes.
Mine are finished - processing this weekend - not very meaty in my opinion... 75% free ranged - I'll post about the taste when we have an opinion.

Almost too pretty to eat.

Did you caponize any of the ones you processed? How old were they when you processed? Did you weigh them?

Sorry for all of the questions, but I have American Bresse as well. I caponized my extra roos, but one was a slip. They are 18 weeks old right now, so I am hopeful they will continue to grow. I would like to finish one of them out with grain and dairy for 30 days like the French and compare, but that will depend on the space I have when the time comes.
As my ABs are now about 3 weeks old, I anxiously await any info either of you may end up with on this subject. I have noticed a lot of posts about people saying they were getting ready to try their birds, but have yet to find a follow up post from anyone who actually has. People seem to get this far, and then drop out of sight.

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