Brooder setup!

I learnt that the hard way, my chick wanted a cuddle so she just casually jumped out of the box and onto my lap haha
I got mine on Sat (think they were hatched on 4/7 and 4/8) and a couple are already trying to climb out of the "box" when I open the crate door to see them (there is cardboard around the sides of the crate but the door part is lower). :) Thankfully when someone isn't there the door is closed so they can't jump out at all. haahaa.
Now they have a very large brooder
not even my big hens can jump out of those gates when they came in on a snowy night and we used them to make an indoor run
I'm getting my first ever chickens tommrow morning!!!! So excited! I just set up my brooder! Sorry if the picture is blurry at all. Any thoughts questions or opinions?

Down below is the temporary egg carton feeder, next to it is the water, and lastly is the brooder plate. 2 inches of bedding/shavings
View attachment 2606372
It looks good! Just
I'm getting my first ever chickens tommrow morning!!!! So excited! I just set up my brooder! Sorry if the picture is blurry at all. Any thoughts questions or opinions?

Down below is the temporary egg carton feeder, next to it is the water, and lastly is the brooder plate. 2 inches of bedding/shavings
View attachment 2606372
It looks good, Curious as to the number of chicks,you will have in there?They will grow quickly and need more space before you know it. I like the set up and look forward to seeing them grow in to adults!! Congratulations and best wishes!!
Now they have a very large brooder View attachment 2615892not even my big hens can jump out of those gates when they came in on a snowy night and we used them to make

looks good to me! how many and what types of chicks are you getting? Where are you getting them from?

I am crossing my fingers that I get my first chicks as an adult (so many years) tomorrow as well (thought they would be at the local feed store today but didn't happen so praying they are there tomorrow). it is so exciting! I can barely contain myself, well all day today I couldn't. LOL
I can understand your excitement!! Nothing like bringing babies home and giving them a good loving home!! Good luck with them and keep us posted!! Is there a particular breed you're getting?
wow I can't believe yours are 5 weeks already?!?! I remember when you first posted them, I had placed my order for my chicks a few weeks before that. hahaaa.

and I agree on chicken math. Heck I added to my order before my first chicks even came in. Went from 8 ordered to 10..... But now promised my husband no more THIS year (yes made sure to throw that part in. haaha)
I also told my husband no more this year..UNLESS.. one of the ladies goes broody, then we'll have to hatch some eggs🤣

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