Broodie silkie!!!


10 Years
May 15, 2009
Lake Charles, LA
I really never thought this girl would go broody. Although she's a silkie, she just didn't seem to have the "personality" for it. I am completely shocked!!! So now here's my dilemma....I have 12 shipped Mandarin eggs in the bator that are on day 6. Should I put them under her or leave them in the bator? Does anyone know how well silkies incubate wild waterfowl?
I have never had my silkies sit on duck eggs but if I was you I would maybe give her a couple since Madarin eggs are not cheap.
That's kind of what I was thinking of doing. Maybe pull 4 or 5 and stick them under her and leave the rest in the bator. I'm gonna candle them on Friday to see how they're doing and then I'll make a final decision from there I guess. You are so right about the expense. I pd $9 per egg. I only ordered 10 but she sent 12, so I'm grateful for that!

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