Ended Broodies & Their Babies Photo Contest

Not an entry, but patiently waiting on these girls so I can post one 😂
Thanks! 😊 I’m not sure what breed they are… they came from a high tunnel that had 500+ chickens of different breeds. I do know that they had some…..
Ameraucana, austra white, leghorn, black australorp, Rhode Island Red, cinnamon queen, Wyandotte, Brahma, marans, cuckoo maran, welsummer, etc.

I would love to know what breeds you think they might be 😊View attachment 3489839
I had thought I saw a lot of fluffy faces with their beards and muffs! Those would be my personal favoured breed the Ameraucana :love

But it does seem there are roosters of other breeds so they may be mixed and then your chicks would be Easter Eggers! Pictures in the breed/gender guessing thread(s) when they get older and have more prominent physical features it’ll be easier to distinguish the breeds.

Either way those chicks look like they are also going to be some pretty cute colours judging by what the selection looks like ! I love the possibly blue Ameraucanas at the bottom left of your photo, such pretty coloured hens they have.

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