Broodiness Cycle

I have a hen that is CONSTANTLY going broody. I usually give her the 3 days in broody jail to break her. Well, for the first time I decided to let nature do it's thing and her broodiness break on it's own... My question is, how long does that generally take?
T.I.A. :hugs
I have the same problem. My Ruby has been broody now for 5 weeks and I just cant break it so ive been leaving her in the garden hoping it will break by itself
If you aren't going to let her hatch eggs, waiting for her to stop on her own is a bad idea.
Sometimes they never stop till they can no longer move on their own. A friend of mine had a broody turkey hen she didn't break. When she finally realized there was a problem, after a month of physical therapy and $2000 of vet bills, it died anyway.
Letting nature take its course is allowing a hen to raise a brood of chicks. That's what they would be doing in the wild.

Let me guess, your hen is either a silkie or cochin. ?
Hmm...I’m guessing this is only the case when you don’t force them to come out of the nest box so they can stretch, eat, etc.? Versus just letting them sit all they want. I have 3 hens right now (Cochin/buff Orpington mixes) who have been broody for the last few weeks. I don’t really have a need or want to eat their eggs, so lack of egg production due to broodiness isn’t an issue. We are planning on putting some fertile hatching eggs (ordered online because we don’t have a roo) under them, but prior to deciding that, we just let them be. BUT every morning when I open the coop for the day before leaving for work and such, I pick them up and force them to go outside, eat and drink. It works for a good 20 minutes before they go right back to the nest. I just repeat this after I get home at the end of the day, before it gets dark, or multiple times on the weekend if I’m around the yard. We’ve had no physical problems with them (at least not yet). I can see how it might be an issue if the hen is left to just sit and be broody all the time, because of course that’s exactly what she would do. But I think as long as you force them to get up and stretch more than once a day, they’re more than likely fine.
What does your hen “jail” look like? I have a broody hen who hatched an egg but I took the baby. She’s still broody so I finally gave her some eggs after weeks of taking her off the meat several times a day. I even put her in a dog crate for a day but got worried at night that she would get hurt so I let her out. She’s been broody for about 4 months now. I’m going to let her hatch these eggs and keep the babies as long as the babies are doing okay. Just wondering how you break yours with jail.
I have a mix breed hen who is always broody. I’ve given her eggs to hatch an they never make it. She’s been sitting there for weeks. I candle the eggs and they start, but fail. Not sure what to do with her. I think she’s eating the eggs after they fail, because about the 3rd week when they should be hatching they disappear. Any suggestions are appreciated.
I have a hen just like this, the same breed too. I did let her hatch a clutch. But when the chicks were about 5 weeks old, she drove them away from her and went broody AGAIN. She lives in a state of broodiness. Last year she went to "jail" 4 times. This year she seems to be broody all the time, minus trying to sit.

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