Broody Australorp Now Mother Hen!!!!!! Lots and Lots of Pics!

Day 19...

I converted the kennel (see page 3) into a brooder by placing about 8 inches of cardboard all around the inside edge. This will keep the chicks from getting out.

I'm going to keep momma in with the babies, but I'm really not sure how long. I'm going to need more advice after the hatch comes.
Day 21 will be here soon!

Hmmm, why keep them locked up once the chicks hatch? I'd let her take her chicks back out with the others & let her be a mom and start schooling them on how to be chickens. Can't wait to see the chick pics!!
Do you have a sheltered area outside where she and the chicks could stay apart from the flock? like an extra part of the coop? barn stall? shed, etc?

I think it would be okay to keep them inside for a few days, but she will be able to do just fine with them outside, as long as they are sheltered from the elements (and the flock). The chicks will run around and have fun, and then when they get cold they run under momma, recharge their batteries, then go at it all over again! My broody raised her first brood in April (here in MI - it's still pretty cool then!) in a separate part of the coop and they were perfectly fine with momma (and no heat lamp).
Do you have a sheltered area outside where she and the chicks could stay apart from the flock? like an extra part of the coop? barn stall? shed, etc?

I think it would be okay to keep them inside for a few days, but she will be able to do just fine with them outside, as long as they are sheltered from the elements (and the flock). The chicks will run around and have fun, and then when they get cold they run under momma, recharge their batteries, then go at it all over again! My broody raised her first brood in April (here in MI - it's still pretty cool then!) in a separate part of the coop and they were perfectly fine with momma (and no heat lamp).

Great, thanks. My big worry was having the chicks get cold. It's getting down into the 40's now at night and the 60's during the day. So they'll be ok with those temps outside??

I'll put together their own area outside this weekend.
Do you have a sheltered area outside where she and the chicks could stay apart from the flock? like an extra part of the coop? barn stall? shed, etc?

I think it would be okay to keep them inside for a few days, but she will be able to do just fine with them outside, as long as they are sheltered from the elements (and the flock). The chicks will run around and have fun, and then when they get cold they run under momma, recharge their batteries, then go at it all over again! My broody raised her first brood in April (here in MI - it's still pretty cool then!) in a separate part of the coop and they were perfectly fine with momma (and no heat lamp).

Great, thanks. My big worry was having the chicks get cold. It's getting down into the 40's now at night and the 60's during the day. So they'll be ok with those temps outside??

I'll put together their own area outside this weekend.

Yup! The temps here in April were around there...if even THAT warm! LOL...
The chicks will stay warm enough with their momma. They just need a shelter that is wind and rain proof...momma will be their space heater!

When you move them to the new area you might want to make a "nest" for the hen and her babies...something like a nestbox on ground level where they will feel safe and secure and stay even warmer. I create a temporary 'nest' for my broody and her clutches simply by using extra bags of feed or shavings. I set a couple against the wall and make a little 'tent', and it gives her and the chicks a dark little hiding spot to nest. You could also use a crate, hay bales, etc. to create the same type of nest for her.

(it means we're all sitting back with our popcorn, WAITING for the big show to start! (We are watching and waiting for your chicks to hatch.. and we want to see pics!!!! hint hint
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