Broody Coturnix hen


Mar 30, 2020
Hi folks, ... long time no see.
Got some bussy real life recently.

But I have something, I need to share. Of course as the title suggests, I got a broody Coturnix quail 😍 ... First time in 3.5 years.



Here she sits, ... sorry for the pic quality, but I didn't wanna bother her with the flashlight.

And here the nest, ... the pic was shot on her daily roam for hunting the roo, yelling on each other hen, eating, drinking and getting back on the nest 🤣


She is doing brave since a week. Hopefully she keeps up.
I am so excited.

I'll keep you updated 😃
I was able to get a better pic, while changing water and filling feed.
Brave little one 😍


She is still doing fine 👍

I guess she's sitting about 10 days now, so 7 to 10 days to go ... maybe another 5 days tolerance for not knowing since when she is sitting constantly and also I read, that the natural breed can take 2-3 days longer, for more variable factors, than in artificial incubation ...
... crossing fingers :fl
Next Update.... as curiostity is killing me, I took the chance just a few moments ago, when she was doing her daily roam, and just grabbed and candled one egg as a sample: it is fertilized and developed 😃

I would say just before hatch, from the point of developement, roughly 14th to 16th day, so it will happen soon .... .

So excited :jumpy ....
Just this morning ... and it seems, that she is taking good care. But it has to be constant. I need to watch it.

Funny... the one, which was sitting with her for three days, is sitting again with her 🙈

I was about to take her away, but a friend of mine told me then, that she had tree broody hens, sitting on 7 eggs together, hatched all 7 and all three were taking care 😂
So I leave them doing.
I removed the eggs now and I was surprised, that only 3 hatched. I saw so many feet 🤔

A fourth one cracked the shell nearly open, but gave up then.
With the one, which didn't survived the first night, that leaves 2 chicks.

I candled the remaining eggs and 5 more were fertile and developed, but with the first chicks hatched, the moms left the nest too early. But under the circumstances they did great.

A very interessting thing is, that I am experience so many new sounds from my quails, so awesome.
All these calling, demanding and warning sounds ... all new for me 🙂
Bad news, ... one of the little ones didn’t make it.
Mom still tried to warm the dead body 😞 ... and mocked at me, while I was removing it, in the morning.

Nature-Breed is survival of the fittest. I need to keep that in mind.

My guess is about 4-5 chicks hatched, but impossible to tell how many are hidding under mom's and aunty's wings.

I will check and remove the remaining eggs and I will count the hatch, later.

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