Broody hatching chicks, worried about the weather


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 28, 2012
Hi all, my broody's eggs are hatching first ever hatching experiance. Can't begin to say how excited I am! Anyway, the weather is now crappy, it was gorgeous yesterday, but now 40 and raining. We might get a little snow tomorrow and will get to 32 tonight! I'm in Missouri, the broody is out in the coop, I've covered the windows but I'm afraid she'll want to bring them out tomorrow or the next day when it will still be cold. Should I worry?
I've always heard that the mama hen would know what to do and not want to put her babies in danger. . . . . BUT>> I am a worry wart so I would prob set up a broody pen in a garage or porch for the next week until they grow up just a little bit. The fear would drive me bonkers personally. Congrats on your hatch! Keep us updated as to what you decide and how the chick do
Thank for the reply! I wasn't going to move them inside, but I think this weather isn't a "normal" circumstance. I'm to afraid the hen will eventually need to get off the nest and the chicks will follow her to their doom, especially since its supposed to rain for the next 48 hrs! So I have a family moving into my basement in the morning hehe I can't wait to see how many chicks hatched and how they are doing. I haven't been messing with them because I didn't want to expose them to the cold. The hen is a banty Dominique and she was on 6 easter egger eggs. I've seen one live chick, multiple pipped eggs and heard more then one peeping, that was this morning.

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