Broody Hen...again.


Dec 29, 2020
Central Texas
I have another broody hen and I am really worried because my last (and first) broody hen died so I want to know what to do differently this time. I purchased a cage from the pet store (it was meant to be for a parrot). I placed it in the outside portion of the coop. She always had plenty of water and food. The problem was that she was so aggitated. She kept trying to "fly" out of the cage and ultimately hit her head on the top of the cage and broke her neck. She had been broody for several days before I recognized it as such. She was only in the cage for 24 hours. Any advice on what to do differently would be appreciated.

Might put a cloth/towel over the top and 2 sides at first,
so she can't see the 'outside'.

I agree it looks rather small.
This is my broody breaker, 24"L x 18"W x 19"H.
I've been going out to the coop every few hours today and as soon as I go inside she gets up and goes outside. I just put a stump in the corner which is where some of the hens lay their eggs and where my broody hen lays. I'm really hoping I don't have to use the cage. She's not nearly as aggitated as my previous hen.
I've been going out to the coop every few hours today and as soon as I go inside she gets up and goes outside. I just put a stump in the corner which is where some of the hens lay their eggs and where my broody hen lays. I'm really hoping I don't have to use the cage. She's not nearly as aggitated as my previous hen.

Longer they stay broody, the longer it may take to break them, so keep that in mind if what you're doing doesn't work (which it may or may not).

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