~Broody Hen Contest!~ Results on first Page

My broody girl, Barbara, is due to hatch her first brood tomorrow or Wednesday. They're silkies that I bought from equus2. I'll add pics of her with them as soon as I can!

Barbara turned 1yo yesterday.
YAY, my broody's eggs started hatching today, so hopefully I can get a picture of her with the babies before I bring them in to grow up.

Cross your fingers that we have a lot of chicks in the morning! She's on 12 eggs.
Here's my broody mama. We're on day 4 of our hatch, so no babies yet, but you can tell from the look on her face that she's a broody. She's sitting on 13 chicken eggs and 2 duck eggs and will peck your fingers off if you try anything dodgy.
Waaaaaa! My camera is broken!!!

My cochin, Molly is outsied today, runnin around with her seven babies and one adopted baby, and they are SOOO adorable! Hatching in an incubator is fun, but nothing like havin' a broody momma! It is the sweetist thing I have ever seen!

Hubby said we will maybe get a new camera next week sometime....
Here's Tapioca, one of my "wild" chickens. Her nesting spot has got to be one of the funniest spots any of my chickens ever chose....


little farther away


zoomed out more

guessed it yet?


(sorry if you can't see the red arrow)

Yep, she's nesting in one of our sailboats. I guess it's kinda smart, cause I don't think any critters will suspect any tasty chickens to be there.
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