~Broody Hen Contest!~ Results on first Page

I have already entered one of my hens but I wanna enter another. This is pretty gurl her 1st time ever being broody Pretty gurl is 10 months old and one of my fav hens. She is a black silkie...She was always so sweet but has been very protective since she gone broody her chicks hatched on April the 14th She has been an awesome momma. Out of 7 eggs 5 hatched 3 black and 2 little white ones.

Here is pretty gurl and her chickie peeking out.
(she has a dirty face from enjoying her strawberry soup i make for her)
I bought some silkies as brooders for my wife in hopes she might start to get into it as much as me, I was hoping that they would go broody and my DW could monitor and care for her until the little wonders arrive. 2 mo after I got then one went broody and as expected my DW is all agush with the fever, I know I am an evil evil man, But I did make another convert LOL.

here is my as of yet unnamed silkie Hen sitting on a clutch of 6 eggs.



Standard Cochin pullet with 8 Mille Fleur d'Uccle adopted chicks


Standard Cochin pullet with 4 Cochins chicks and 3 Silkie chicks (so far)


Buff Orpington hen with 8 Buff chicks, 1 week old


Buff Orpington hen with 9 Buff chicks, 1 day old
(Yes, that is our rooster helping feed the chicks!)
Loving all the pics so far

Here's my entry:

Keesha is a hatchery Cuckoo Maran. We got her and her "sister" Lorraine with our first ever batch of hens (11 cause they were "buy 10 get one free"
) last June. She's our first broody and I couldn't resist hunting down some fertile eggs for her. I didn't want to jinx anything by preparing for babies, so when the first hatched, I had to run to the feed store to get supplies. Wouldn't you know they'd just gotten a new batch of babies in that morning and, since I was really hoping to add a couple more EE's to the flock. (LOVE those green eggs) I picked out 3 in hopes she'd welcome them as their own. I'd read somewhere that you should wait until night to try to sneak babies in, but I have no patience, so I just put one in to see how she'd react. As you can see from the pic, she wasted no time tucking them right under her.
We were overjoyed


I took this pic shortly after. It's as if adopted hatchery baby is saying "I knew I had a mother" (my kid's favorite quote from "Are you my Mother").
Oh my goodness that is SO sweet!!! Hmm... the ideas that are just spinning around in my head. Hmmmmmmmmmmm maybe I might need to try this with my banty hen - the next swap is right about the time she's due to hatch her current eggs.
OK, finally I have my pictures! The are not very good, I am borrowing a camera form my MIL until we can get a new one.

This is Molly, she is a standard cochin. She is right at one year old. Here she is with the babies, about two days old. The white one is adopted, and she is a bit older. There are nine of them.



And here they are now. They are about two weeks old now. She lost one, but still has eight.


that she will go back to sitting when these are older, and do it again. She did such a good job for a first timer!

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