~Broody Hen Contest!~ Results on first Page

This definately gets my vote!!!!!
Violet my RIR, she sat on 9 eggs and successfully hatched 4 around 4/24. The eggs were RIR and RIRxEE. She did a great job brooding and is a great mom. Arent their instincts amazing.

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Four hatched May 6, two more May 7, and it looks like we are getting another 1-2 today.



Doesn't it look like she is giving her mom a kiss on the cheek? These are Sussex Cross so the yellow are cokcerels and the browns are pullets. Enjoy.

I will also add: Our hen is a year old.... the reason I kept her is because I 'knew' she would be a brooder. She was shorter and rounder than ther other hens {she seemed like the grandma of the nest}. She became brooden about 6 weeks after she started to lay eggs in November of 2008. We finally allowed her to sit on a batch of eggs 4 weeks ago.

She is a faithful and protective mumma hen.
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You are not seeing things. That is a broody Polish. She hatched 2 peeps!

She is my DDs absolute favorite hen named Lovey. Ad she sure did live up to it!

How about my broody minorca and leghorn???



Their chicks are coming in a couple weeks and i'll try to get some pics!
Now I've got twelve broodies- a yokohama, a sumatra, a leghorn, 3 OEGs, 2 sebrites, a silkie, a japanese, a minorca, and an australorp!!! I've got too many chickens already, so I'll just hatch like one or two chicks per hen!

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