~Broody Hen Contest!~ Results on first Page

Name: Little girl
Breed: Bearded Black silkie
Age: 10 Months
Extra: This is her 1st time she is sitting on 3 turkey eggs all she could fit under her..LOL

These are some of my first seramas sitting on eggs for the first time. Spangle is on the left and Kitty is on the right. Yes that is a normal sized shoe box, it is the chickens that are small

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I don't know if these will count since they are 2 pics of week old chicks who made a 4 week old chick their "broody" mother, but here is the first one.

This is Annie, my injured Orpington, and one of my new silkie babies. It was trying to get under her this time and she was not going to stand up and let it since she had just gotten comfortable


This is Kowalski sitting underneath Annie, same pic as my avatar:


I walked into the bathroom the other day and had a 2 of my little chicks peeking out from under Annie's wing but my camera on my phone wouldn't get a good picture and by the time I was back with my camera they had come out to stretch
REALLY wish I had gotten that one tho
Double Duty...Antwerp Belgian Hen and the White Japanese Bantam are both on the job in the same nest and neither will give in. It works out great when one needs a break, the eggs never go unattended.

Wow, Hennie is Beautiful!! What breed is she?

Here's a second one of 10 month old Keesha (Cuckoo Marans) with her now 2 week old babies. They've grown so much since the last pic I entered (OK only 4 had even hatched in that one

well I have a broody white leghorn setting on her eggs has been there for 3 days now. she won't even come off the nest to eat or drink water so dh put some wire mesh over the front of the nest box and put a cup waterer and a cup feeder in there with her so she can eat and drink and so the other hens will quit laying their eggs on top of her. she has about 18 eggs under her right now. we don't dare try to move her she will eat you up. I will try to get a pic today

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