Broody hen not turning eggs then abandoning them?


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 26, 2012
I couldn't find a thread with a similar question, so I'm asking now. I allowed one of my hens who goes broody ALL the time, to sit two eggs. When I candled them(honestly don't know what day, I forgot to date the eggs, my bad) they were mostly dark inside and were heavy. So I stuck them back under her and let her keep going. Well, a few nights later, one egg was gone, no shell or anything left. The next day, she'd shoved the remaining egg out of the nesting box and decided to sit two new eggs in a different box. I've decided that she can't have any eggs because of this, she's been broody for over 3 weeks now, I'm thinking closer to a month, but I guess my question is, has anyone had something similar happen? Was it possible that she wasn't turning the eggs, as well? Could that be why the eggs didn't develop fully?
She would have been turning them, even the crappest of my broodies turned them. Sometimes they get confused about which nest box is theirs, it happens all the time. If i was you i would rather move her to a coop of her own when she goes broody again or put some fencing over her box and then let her out once a day to eat drink ect, then wait for her to back in.

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