Broody Hen

By day 7 there should significant veins inside the eggs if you dont see any veins throw them out.

Today is really hot here. Broody chicken left nest twice and if i were to count the hours it would be around 3-5 hours out of nest. She might have left cuz of heat .and also update of that buck buck noise. Now she is making that buck buck sound louder now.
Should i be worried that she left eggs and what advice you would give when its too hot and what to do broody hen on hot days.
light colour. Update: i sometimes see standing on eggs like i saw today and it was hot day as well. Is this normal. she trying to cool off a bit or what?
i though they sit on hen like all day maybe she was trying to cool off a bit. Tomorrow i m going to put fertile. Also on which day should i check the egg on candle light for bad egg. cuz some people saying day 7 and some telling me day 12
i though they sit on hen like all day maybe she was trying to cool off a bit. Tomorrow i m going to put fertile. Also on which day should i check the egg on candle light for bad egg. cuz some people saying day 7 and some telling me day 12
If it’s hot she may not want to sit 100% of the day. You could actually candle any day you want it you may not see as much on day as than on day 12 but you should be able to still see something. The last three days before hatch you shouldn’t candle though.
If it’s hot she may not want to sit 100% of the day. You could actually candle any day you want it you may not see as much on day as than on day 12 but you should be able to still see something. The last three days before hatch you shouldn’t candle though.

And when the the best time to take out eggs from nest to candle eggs. morning or night or do candle it when she is out.

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