Broody hen????

Truthfully I think the prognosis is poor, sorry. The size of the hole was very large. The fact that it is leaking now means the membrane isn't intact. Not good at all. At this time I don't think there is aything you can do.
Bad news: Carolyn I think was dead the day the hole was pecked. It's day 20 and I went to check on it and there was a ton of maggots crawling around in the was gross.... But the last 2 eggs that r still under mama r alive and well.... At least for now.... I named them Pippin and Mary. Pippin pipped a few hours ago and is slowly making progress. Mary hasn't pipped yet, but is moving around, pecking at the shell, and chirping, so hopefully by morning they will both be hatched..... I'm worried Mary will run out of air before it gets out.... It probably won't right? How long does a chick have till it runs out of oxygen after an internal pip but before an external pip? An I bing 2 worried? This is my second time hatching chicks, well more like letting my hen hatch out chicks, and I'm worried....probably over nothing.... *sigh...*
Pippin hatched OMG!!!! XD she/he is sooooo cute! Sorry I get kinda exited when they first hatch... And Mary has pipped! Finally! Whew.... The worrying is over.... For now...
They are sooo cute when they first dry off - I get way excited too. I always call them boys until I know for sure.

Lol yeah I call them girls till I know for sure.... Don't know why I call them girls, I guess I just do... Normally I just call the chicks little guy(s) tho lol like 'hey little guys how's it going sweeties' like that lol
I'm exited to see what Mary looks like. Pippin is a dark orange/gold color with a brown stripe down the middle of its back with 2 smaller stripes next to the big one and also a stripe on its head. Sorry if that was confusing...
And I call them chicks. I usually don't name them, until they are old enough to give them a name that fits them. If I give them a name at all.

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