Broody on eggs-update, need more advise- see last post


11 Years
Aug 5, 2008
Central NY
I hope someone can advise me about this, as it is my first experience with a broody hatching.

The broody (and papa) are banties.

My bator banties had hatched on days 19 and 20 (counting the day after setting as 1).

The broody definately started setting on Mar 11, so today would be day 22 if I did this right. I did not candle at all. Some posts when I searched said to candle and some said no, not to bother her.

On Sun I saw a half a shell she had pushed aside and thought there was a baby in there somewhere and they would be hatching out.

Days have passed. Still no sign of a baby(s). I can't hear anything peeping.

And, of course, the one time a days she gets up to relieve herself, etc is always when I am at work or something, so I can never see her get up off of them. Oh, and someone should have warned me abt the size of that poo- my dogs don't even poo anything that big!

I realize the temps/hum are not the same as using a bator, and the temps in their house hang abt 45-50 on the average, though it did dip a little a few times to maybe 40. I really don't want to bother her, as she seems to know what she is doing (better than I do I am sure).

Should I move her to check? Maybe later today if nothing shows up? Tomorrow?

Is she just really hiding the babies well until all of the eggs have hatched? Wouldn't I hear them peeping?

What on earth was the story with the half a shell in there on Sun and where is the rest? (ummm- worried she is sitting on something disgusting to put it mildly- or worse).

Please advise me what I should do.
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I would gently lift her belly and take a look see. I checked under my broodies every single day the last few days. And several times on the day I saw they were pipping. I even moved two of the pipped eggs from one broody to another that was sitting on a dud. They all hatched out just fine. Just put your hand in there and lift her a little and look. She may peck, but she'll be fine. And it may just solve the half a shell mystery!
OK- lifted mama's belly. More confused. No sign of the other half of that shell or anything from it. Definately one less egg than when she started.

Didn't see any pips yet.

Guess I should just give it a few more days?
I hope something happens soon. It should have been day 22 this morning and still no chicks. But she seems happy to just be setting and hasn't abandoned it.

I talked it over with my neighbor and she said the other half and the contents won't be found (toning it down for everyone's sake).

And she said that either they will hatch or she will abandon it and either way it is out of my control. More or less told me to let the chicken do its thing (or not).

See, one problem is, I have to attempt to graft a chick to her asap. One of the chicks that hatched 2 weeks ago we thought was a goner- not sure if the other chicks trampled it or weren't letting it eat or what. But it was very near death and barely alive.

We separated it and it is doing better now but is still in ICU. But, it is maybe a third of the size of the rest of the hatch, and lost rank (never really had any though) in the pecking order. But is is eating, drinking, and walking around. Figured the only thing to do is graft it to the broody and chicks so it would be the size of the new ones and the mama would beat up any kids that mess with it. Not sure what else to do. Any ideas?
I think putting the little weak one under the broody is a great idea. It's probably the best chance that little thing has. But if you put that baby under her too soon and she accepts it, she will likely abandon the other eggs - and that would be sad if they are viable. Try to give her a couple of more days. And let us know how it goes!

Best of luck,
Oh, I am waiting for hers to hatch first. The lil one is fine where it is for now- just lonely though.

I am just worried it will be too much bigger than hers if/when they hatch for her to accept it- especially if hers don't hatch soon. Would that matter? Like, will she notice it is a runty 2 week old and not a newly hatched chick?
Well, the next morn (4/3) there was one with a pip. When I got home I heard peeping. She still hasn't moved off that nest and I think there are still eggs unhatched. And though I heard peeping couldn't see a chick- until this afternoon! Finally I saw this little black head poke out from the white broody silkie.

I think there is more than one, but she ain't movin to let me check, and I am afraid to bother her now.

Do I just wait until she starts walking around and gives up on the eggs? She had been getting up to poo before they hatched, but I think she is pooing where she is now- that can't be good. Sorry to be gross, but I thought this might have a baring on advise someone may have.

And I really, really want to know how many babies are there. Would the other eggs still possibly be viable?


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