Broody question

You can't really "make" a hen go broody. Broodiness is linked by breed and genetics. You can buy "dummy" eggs, or anything that looks something like an egg (i.e. golf balls) to put in the the nest to encourage broodiness. My best mothering and setting hens have been Silkies, of course, and Orpingtons. Good luck!
Thank you for the replying, She is a BR and was going broody in Nov but had no roosters at the time. So hopefully I can get to brood now.
Golf balls work great. My Welsummer goes broody every time it put them in the nesting box.
Update my BR hen is broody on the 25 and has tens eggs set going to candel them on Monday.
Update on my broodie. I check. If the eggs are fertile and all 12 are were not. So now rooster here I come.

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