Broody Turkey Thread!!!

Lurky will come out of her nesting box. I let her have one egg. Every couple day I pick her up and take her to the water. Poor miserable tukey! She has been hiding ever since someone to steal her. She doesn't seem hurt, but she was grabbed off her roost which is 7 feet up. She quit laying that day. So sad.
Update! Penelope has poults! At least seven of eleven (purchased) eggs have hatched. She's not ready to give up on the others yet, though.
That's great!! Just take the eggs out of there and she should get up and care for the poults

They only started hatching! Two yesterday, five today (or more), and today is day 28. She's doing a great job at calling them back and keeping them warm, there's game-bird starter & a quail waterer within reach of them all, it's pouring rain with a forecast of 36 tonight and tomorrow, and the 'monitor' egg in the incubator is still trying to pip - I'm not touching her yet. Sunday, I will leave the door open and she gets out if she wants, but not until then.
They only started hatching! Two yesterday, five today (or more), and today is day 28. She's doing a great job at calling them back and keeping them warm, there's game-bird starter & a quail waterer within reach of them all, it's pouring rain with a forecast of 36 tonight and tomorrow, and the 'monitor' egg in the incubator is still trying to pip - I'm not touching her yet. Sunday, I will leave the door open and she gets out if she wants, but not until then.
Ohh I thought they were all hatched that were going to,well glad to here that about her!
I too, have one lonely lady, who has gone broody!!! Our family has had turkeys, ducks, and chickens since 2011, and of all the birds we've gone through (turkeys usually don't go for longer than a year here
), I've NEVER had a real "broody" one?!! She hisses, and won't move. Today, it seemed worse. She wouldn't even come out of her house for scratch or her bucket of food. I got her out a few days ago with a small rake, by pushing her a bit. Today, she pecked at it, so I just left her. I haven't a clue if theres even an egg under her. I know she put up a fight last night for my husband too. She usually lays eggs under the house, not in it. Does anyone know how to make her stop? I mean, she's not going to lay on any fertilized eggs anytime soon. Right now, she's just slowing our morning/night routine down!! I've heard of "ice water/bath" for chickens? I'm tempted to try with a turkey.
I've never heard of 'ice/water baths' - that actually sounds dangerous. (I still have a hen not laying a week after a hypothermia incident when a bull knocked her into the water trough)

For chickens, I suspend a cage on chains from the ceiling & put her in it - with minimal food & water. The cage rocks when she moves. Seems to take about 24 hours for her to give up on the idea & concentrate on keeping her footing...

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