Broody vs sick chicken


8 Years
Jun 3, 2014
I am sure you get this question a lot but
How do I tell if my 14 month old Sussex is broody or sick.

She constantly runs back to the nesting box and sits with or without eggs. If she is in an empty box and another hen lays an egg she will move to it.

The reason I am concerned is that she doesn’t come out for food or treats. When I first set her down in the grass after removing her from the box she sits there for a few minutes.

Eventually she will go off and forage and eat. Her nape and tail feathers are fluffed and her comb is a little pale.

The other hens sometimes pick on her but it is one particular hen that usually starts it.

Not sure what to do.
attached is a pic of my Sussex and the her with the aggressive hen

Thanks for your help
You may want to delete your other duplicate thread. She does sound broody. Does she pull eggs under her if you set one in front of her? Does she peck at your hands and growl/scream when you attempt to touch her? Are her chest feathers missing which is known as a broody patch? Broodies usually will walk about clucking loudly if you remove them from a neat box, then run back into the box. She probably is taking a couple of times a day to eat and drink or dust bathe briefly if she is broody. Broody poops are very large smelly green things. Here is an article about broodies:
You may want to delete your other duplicate thread. She does sound broody. Does she pull eggs under her if you set one in front of her? Does she peck at your hands and growl/scream when you attempt to touch her? Are her chest feathers missing which is known as a broody patch? Broodies usually will walk about clucking loudly if you remove them from a neat box, then run back into the box. She probably is taking a couple of times a day to eat and drink or dust bathe briefly if she is broody. Broody poops are very large smelly green things. Here is an article about broodies:
Hi Thanks

Sorry I realized I posted 2x

I have not put an egg in front where she could pull it in. I will try that.
No missing chest feathers or pecking growling when I remove her.
I haven’t seen her poop.
I still not sure I will also read the article
The reason I am concerned is that she doesn’t come out for food or treats. When I first set her down in the grass after removing her from the box she sits there for a few minutes.
She's broody.. that's normal.

Sick hen's are lethargic.

Broody hens will only come off the nest once or twice per day when they deem it's the best time.. they will brood air when no eggs are present. Passing on their genes is more important than their usual treats. They will have slowed their digestion to match their pooping time to when they leave the nest so they don't poop on eggs but also don't have to leave them often.. therefore also not feeding willy neally at treat time and is considered normal behavior when other symptoms match.

Your pics didn't show up.

The pecking order issue may be normal or there may be boredom/space issues.

Egg bound hens that may stay in the nest will not sit in that trance like state when moved and then go forage a minute before returning to the nest.. Your description is literally text book classic for broody.

Welcome to BYC! :frow

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