Brown leghorn laying


Jun 14, 2020
Atlanta, GA
My Coop
My Coop
Hey guys! I have a brown leghorn and she's been showing signs. today she went into the nestboxes again and was 'singing'. she's been in there for about 3 hours I think, unless she's been hopping out in between me checking on her. She was signing loudly and her birth buddy was signing with her in the enclosure. But no egg yet. I can see her straining and her but contracting when she is singing. I'm worried. How long should this process take and when should I get worried? I only have one other one that is laying currently and she's quick and quiet. Her first egg was about 20 mins. The last time that I checked on Queen Twix, I brought her a handful of weeds and she had moved boxes, but still no egg. Anyone know?
The last time that I checked on Queen Twix, I brought her a handful of weeds and she had moved boxes, but still no egg. Anyone know?
Leave her alone.. some practice several days before their first egg actually comes. All are individuals. ;)

Sounds like she is close though, I feel your excitement! :ya
Well, yes, it's winter, sort of, but she hasn't done this before. and I can actually see her pushing and singing while she pushes. do they practice that too? It's been a while already of her exploring the boxes and making nests and kicking the plastic eggs about, but I have never heard her sing and saw her pushing before. Do they practice that too?
she just had a poop and blood covered egg! Is she ok? She's back out in the enclosure and seems ok. The poop is on the other side.
Thank you! I knew she was having issues. such a tiny egg too. She seems ok today. waiting in line behind my first layer after she couldn't wait to get in the nest box this morning.
Thank you! I knew she was having issues. such a tiny egg too. She seems ok today. waiting in line behind my first layer after she couldn't wait to get in the nest box this morning.
Congrats on your first egg! :celebrate

She isn't having issues.. just getting it all figured out is all.. timing and such. A little blood smeared on an egg is not uncommon.. but definitely worth keeping your eye on her!

Waiting in line is good a sign. :thumbsup

Silly girls often like to use the same nest. :rolleyes:
Another question: since it's winter and cold and less light and all. should she now be having eggs everyday like her golden comet sister? Because she didn't have one today. she was still acting herself though. but no egg.

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