Buckeye Breed Thread

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...and then my way to Indiana!
Just sooo cute!
You know what, you're right, I forgot about the cracked egg. 6 out of 8 is better than good. Btw, I wanted folks to know that the egg didn't crack in shipment but rather had a hairline crack in the egg that could only be seen when candling. Probably happened as it was laid.

Btw James, I feather-sexed the 6 last night. Looks like 3 females and 3 males but one is questionable and could be a male. I should've checked them the night before.

God Bless,
jenscott: Can buckeyes be feather sexed?

No, not really. I have noticed that some chicks feather out faster than others and the faster feathering chicks tend to be cockerels but this method does not always hold true. I have had slow feathring cockerels as well. At about 2 weeks old, male chicks are already larger.​
From what little research, and granted it hasn't been a whole lot, featherk-sexing has nothing to do with breed but rather is a sex gene that is passed on. It has to be done before they are three days old. From what I've seen and read this is what the hatcheries are using more than the vent-sexing these days.

One can do a BYC or Google Search or go to YouTube and find more information on it. All I know is that when I checked my Barnies there is a definite difference between some of the birds and the difference lines up with the feather-sexing information I've found.

God Bless,
It's very common in broilers... not so much in dual purpose breeds. It has to be bred into them. Is it males are straight across and females are jagged feathering in the wings?
On males the primaries will be the same size and the secondaries and shorter. On females the primaries will be much longer than the secondaries and both will be longer than the females.

One video I watched did talk about ID'ing broilers this way but others I've watched were using various breeds. I've used this on a variety of breeds.

God Bless,
What were your results? Did you band them or are you waiting to see still?

This is what I was referring too... I think it's the same as what your talking about but It's something that would have to be bred in. I'm not sure how you would do it without a cross of breeds?

In the slow-feathering males the coverts are either the same length or longer than the primary wing feathers. In the fast-feathering females, the primary wing feathers are longer than the coverts. This is caused by a gene located on the sex chromosome where slow feathering is dominant to rapid feathering and controls the rate of wing and tail feathering in the chicken. The dominant slow-feathering characteristic is passed from mothers to their sons and the rapid feathering characteristic from the fathers to their daughters...
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I have actually been accurate in using the day old wing pin feather method on Buckeye chicks but I wouldn't swear by it. It isn't 100% but I guess no method is.
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