Buddy; The Wonder Chicken

Chapter Three

"Can't catch me, Alf Alfa!" Buddy yelled as they raced around Clara and Izzy's front yard, the baby chicks were now a month and a half old and the big human mum said that they were nearly big enough to go out with the big chickens. Izzy and Clara had gathered all 18 chicks in their arms and squealed, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"
The human mum had then relented and ran inside laughing, "Okay! Okay!"

Anyway, Buddy and her best friend Alf Alfa- who was also grey- were playing tips and racing each other around the humans' front yard as the sun set.
Soon Izzy and Clara would be running round trying to catch them.


That night Buddy and Alf Alfa snuggled together in one corner of the porta cot that they slept in and all the other chicks were in the middle of the cot.
Buddy and Alf Alfa fell asleep instantly, they were exhausted after playing all day.

But they were awoken in the night by a low growl coming from outside the porta cot. A fox ripped through the cot and tore into the nearest baby chick, then the fox moved on to the next and the next until all the babies had been consumed. Then it turned tail and fled.

Clara and Izzy were petrified by the scene before them, blood and feathers and legs and wings and eyes and heads. Izzy and Clara bounded through the mess and peered into the cot, "Izzy! Buddy and Alf Alfa! They're in here! Alive!" Indeed Buddy and Alf Alfa were the only chicks left!
Oh I don’t think I am strong enough for this story !
Chapter Four

Buddy and Alf Alfa were fully grown now and they were living in the chicken pen. They shared the coop with Son Please Don't Poo On Me- the rooster, Miserable Weather, Tiredy, Mrs. Matches, Princess, Tassie, Rosie, two young chicks and 6 ducks. They were fitting in well despite the fact that the night they had moved in, 10 of the ducks babies- they were chickens- had gone missing. Half the pen blamed Buddy and Alf Alfa for the disappearance of the 10 chickens.
Princess could be heard muttering in her sleep: "They killed them. They Killed Them."
Buddy didn't pay any attention to Princess and the others that made fun of her, but Alf Alfa did. She got into a fight with Miserable Weather one night and was hurt really, really bad. The humans didn't notice and Alf Alfa died soon after of an infection.

Buddy told herself that she had to prove herself to the other chickens, Alf Alfa's death had left her reeling and she was feeling sorry for Alf Alfa and herself. Princess still thought that Buddy and Alf Alfa were responsible for the 10 chicks deaths.

One bright and sunny morning, before the humans had come to feed them, Buddy put her plan into action. She was going to escape from the chicken pen and bite the humans' dog.
Buddy stretched her wings and jumped up... over the fence and onto the other side. Then she froze. The big, black dog was standing right in front of her, dribbling onto the concrete. Buddy looked at the dog and bit him, right on the nose. The dog howled and snapped at Buddy. Buddy squawked and flew into the air, narrowly missing the dog with her wings.

The dog chased her around the yard, barking and howling, snapping and drooling at her. Finally one of the humans noticed, it was Clara, she dropped the bucket of scraps that she was carrying and lunged at the dog raced past her. The dog was so exited that he peed... everywhere, on Clara's foot, on Buddy's foot, on the scraps, everywhere. Buddy jumped back over the chicken pen fence and laughed at the dog, "HAHAHAH! Can't catch me!"
Clara shrieked, "You silly dog! You weed all over me!"
Chapter Five

It had been 4 years since Buddy had escaped for the first time.... and definitely not the last.
Sun Please Don't Poo On Me had passed away of SDS, but he had had chicks, even if they were all grown up, Sun Please Don't Poo On Me still lived in them. There was Bonnie and Tassie, the hens, and there was Sirius Black, the rooster, Sirius Black wasn't a strong rooster, he was a sickly looking one, but he loved Clara and Izzy dearly and whenever they came into the chicken pen, he made it his duty to escort them.

Anyway. Buddy had spent the last 4 years escaping from the pen whenever she liked. She would go scratch up the veggie garden, fling sand from the sandpit into the dog's eyes. She was just a nuisance. But one day when Clara came to feed the chickens, she was amazed to see that Buddy was out and roaming. Clara went into the chicken pen and fed the chooks. Then, when Buddy didn't come running like the rest, Clara went to investigate.
As she was investigating she noticed that two other hens were missing.

"Bonnie?! Rosie!? BUDDDY?!"

They had had trouble with foxes in the past, but Clara didn't want to believe that Buddy had been eaten by a fox.
Clara searched and searched, she eventually found Bonnie, she was lying on the ground, wheezing. Clara snatched her up and sat her down gently in a big nesting box.
Clara kept looking and she found Rosie lying the same way as Bonnie. Clara put her in the big nesting box with Bonnie. Clara looked around the chicken pen once more, and she finally found Buddy... she was the same as Bonnie and Rosie.

Clara looked after the sick chickens for 2 weeks until one day she came out and Bonnie and Rosie were dead, and Buddy was missing.
Clara dealt with the bodies and went looking for Buddy, she found her scratching away in the veggie garden, all happy and not sick!
EEek! Sorry forgot. I'll just skim over the rest.

Buddy had been broody. Now she had some chicks. Of course the first thing she did was take them out of the pen. And the first thing she met was.... Harvey, the dog.
Let me just say, Harvey never ate, touched, or licked another chicken again... 😬

Now Buddy is about 7ish years old and she recently just knocked a whole side of our sturdy chicken pen. 🤦‍♀️ That we had just fixed.

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