Buff O just hatched Guineas do I take them?


May 1, 2019
Hohenwald Tennessee
My Coop
My Coop
Long story as short as I can make it I had a broody hen (buff O) since January sitting on golf balls. She wouldnt give up so I gave her 8 guinea eggs about a month ago. Today while feeding she was acting squirrely so I looked under her and they are hatching. 4 are hatched as of tonight.

There are near 60 chickens out there & im worried they will hurt the guinea's as these are the first chicks my flock has ever seen.

On the other side of my property I have a guinea coop containg our 5 guineas. These new chicks at some point will be removed from the chicken coop & put with the rest of the guineas to free range on bug patrol.

Also have 16 guinea eggs in the incubator & have more guinea eggs being shipped here from Iowa containing assorted eggs from rare colored birds. So there will be more guineas.

Not sure if I should remove the chicks from mama hen & brood them inside (where I have 40 tiny little banty chicks a week old) then move them out to the guinea coop (in their own enclosure until they grow)

What will the mother hen do if i remove them? Keep sitting?

How long will she keep them warm & protect them?

I am pretty good at brooding chicks. We have over 100 chickens, ducks & guineas & all brooded inside & never lost a chick. I just think that coop is a rough place for a baby Guinea & would hate to loose one.

Should I remove them? If so when? How long should I let them stay with the mother hen?

All my chickens were brooded with my guineas 1 year ago. All was fine & dandy for a few months then the guineas became terrorists lol. I had to remove them. They were singling out birds & chasing, plucking feathers etc. I know at some point these babies will have to be removed from the chicken coop. Just not sure when to do it. If that mother hen gets up for a drink they could be attacked. Its a tough world in there
I would let her raise the keets. A large dog crate is all she needs. I have a 4x4 dog pen that I use for brooding. Large enough until they are ready to join the flock. The keets will be slightly tamer but they will resort to their wild ways once they return to their kinfolk.
I would let her raise the keets. A large dog crate is all she needs. I have a 4x4 dog pen that I use for brooding. Large enough until they are ready to join the flock. The keets will be slightly tamer but they will resort to their wild ways once they return to their kinfolk.
You mean remove the hen to... Thats an idea. I have empty cages in an other coop thats a good idea thanks. !
Well i went out to feed and thought i saw a mouse out in the pen. Ch8ckens were chasing and pecking it. It was a baby guinea who for whatever reason left the hen & went outside into the run. I got to her just in time. I brought all the chicks into the brooder with the bantys.

Learned my lesson

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