Buff Orpington rooster?


7 Years
Feb 21, 2017
Malabar, FL
This is my first batch of chickens ever. They all came at the same time from Meyers, on 2/22/17. Most have a little flesh colored comb forming on them now- it's the same color as their beak. This one is the only one that's pink, and it's exciting to think it's a rooster as I ordered 2 roos and 12 females. However, there is no other rooster that I can tell, because they others either have flesh colored combs and about 3 still have no comb at all.

What do you think? Two sides of the same bird, btw.

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Well, he's announcing himself quite early

don't give up on your other male. Orpingtons don't usually develop this early, so be patient and I'm thinking your other boy will make himself known.
Hahahaha yea he does strut around a bit taller than the rest of them, and he seems to keep an eye on all of them, like he's always taking inventory of the others' location, even of the yet-unknown male. He even seems lets the others eat out of the feeder first. It's definitely been interesting to observe. It's great to know for sure he's the big man in of flock. For now. I think I will put a little anklet on him just to keep tabs on him, the males might be hard to tell apart soon.
Thank you so much yall!
This is my first batch of chickens ever. They all came at the same time from Meyers, on 2/22/17. Most have a little flesh colored comb forming on them now- it's the same color as their beak. This one is the only one that's pink, and it's exciting to think it's a rooster as I ordered 2 roos and 12 females. However, there is no other rooster that I can tell, because they others either have flesh colored combs and about 3 still have no comb at all.

What do you think? Two sides of the same bird, btw.

it's a BOY!!!!
Well, folks. My chicks are now 8 weeks old tomorrow, and here are new pics of the big boy you all helped me with, now named Mr. Mann.

Our second boy has made himself known recently and is every bit as glorious red, but has a bent comb so we call him Mr. Crooke.

And here are both of them from the side so you can see their shapes better. Mr. Crooke is in the forefront.

They haven't started fighting yet, they still act like... one of the girls but soon the main coop will be finished so the hoop house will become the bachelor pad and one of these boys will be the progenitor of my future birds.

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