*Buff Orpington Thread!*

Bella and chick


Bella and her mother are like a family unit now. Well Bella's not liking it as much! Bella's mother looks after her own chicks and gives Bella's little baby treats and offers it protection. She also lets it go around with her at feeding time as Bella usually strays off and she is higher in the pecking Oder so it gets more food. Bella on the other hand is nice to her chicks but when her mothers chicks come near her she pecks them! Tonight when I went up Bella's mother came running out the woods with Bella's chick and one of her own. Bella was left behind with Her mothers other chick and Bella came running normally then when she saw the chick running after her she went mental and started screaming and started flapping when running!
I kind of get that.
Poor Bella.
She thinks that her mother thinks she's useless.

Again, it would make a great book, or soap opera.
as the chicken turns, no, as the worm turns, as the egg rolls.
I love the continuing stories of Bella.
Just to let you all know, my girls came under attack today and Bella was hurt the most. She has had a chunk taken out of her side and skin is hanging off. Vets refuse to stich as the anesthetic will kill her apparently. I have rinsed it off with Hibbiscrub and put some anti spetic spray on her. Will keep her locked in tomorrow just to rest it and allow it to start scabbing over. She managed to keep her chick safe through it all and she put up a good fight as there is feathers EVERYWHERE! Anyways, I hope she is strong enough to pull through this. I think her chick is whats keeping her going.
Oh yea!! Yogurt!!! Why didn't I think of that? Thanks for the suggestions. Yogurt is great since it has acidophilus and easy on digestion! I am going to give that a try today.
Mine love yogurt above ALL else. It's so fun to watch them chow down on it, then try and clean their beaks off.

I kind of get that.
Poor Bella.
She thinks that her mother thinks she's useless.

Again, it would make a great book, or soap opera.
as the chicken turns, no, as the worm turns, as the egg rolls.
I love the continuing stories of Bella.

Just to let you all know, my girls came under attack today and Bella was hurt the most. She has had a chunk taken out of her side and skin is hanging off. Vets refuse to stich as the anesthetic will kill her apparently. I have rinsed it off with Hibbiscrub and put some anti spetic spray on her. Will keep her locked in tomorrow just to rest it and allow it to start scabbing over. She managed to keep her chick safe through it all and she put up a good fight as there is feathers EVERYWHERE! Anyways, I hope she is strong enough to pull through this. I think her chick is whats keeping her going.
I am so sorry! Fingers crossed she pulls through!!!!
She's like our little mascot!
Mine were from Mt. Healthy. Mine before had all been good but not last yr. I got them from a local farm store dealer and he got them in the day I was there. I got them from his box as he opened it, no chance of getting a disease there.
I can barely wait for these to come. As the saying goes they are in the mail. Heaven help them.!! I can not post pictures here. I have tried multiple times. Once they changed the format it just would not work with my vista sigh! Someday maybe I can afford to up date my computer but not now.
I have several other line bred orps. I love them too. I have a Blue and I have a solid white. From now on it will be buffs and Delaweres. I have Katys line. Since I found out they were rare I intend to try to get the poultry group here to let me give them some too. Just to increase their num. The more the better.
I'm not sure which hatchery mine came from, I got them from a local feed store, but I do know that they definitely came from a hatchery, not a local person. We have talked about getting more next spring, I plan on looking around more locally if I can. I like being able to get girls only though (or at least a higher chance of just girls) and from what I have seen being offered locally its usually always straight run. I love the orpingtons and always would want them, but don't know if I will venture out with other breeds. Either way, I've got a year to think about it :eek:)

Ours had a blue comb also!
that is what made me think heart defect. I think things just happen sometimes.
Yeah, it's sad. I have to get used to the fact that you can lose one for many reasons. First time with chickens so still getting used to it all. :eek:)
Just to let you all know, my girls came under attack today and Bella was hurt the most. She has had a chunk taken out of her side and skin is hanging off. Vets refuse to stich as the anesthetic will kill her apparently. I have rinsed it off with Hibbiscrub and put some anti spetic spray on her. Will keep her locked in tomorrow just to rest it and allow it to start scabbing over. She managed to keep her chick safe through it all and she put up a good fight as there is feathers EVERYWHERE! Anyways, I hope she is strong enough to pull through this. I think her chick is whats keeping her going.

Oh no! I hope Bella pulls through and the others are ok. I feel like I know them from all of your posts/pictures. You're in my thoughts
. Keep us posted.

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