*Buff Orpington Thread!*

Just to let you all know, my girls came under attack today and Bella was hurt the most. She has had a chunk taken out of her side and skin is hanging off. Vets refuse to stich as the anesthetic will kill her apparently. I have rinsed it off with Hibbiscrub and put some anti spetic spray on her. Will keep her locked in tomorrow just to rest it and allow it to start scabbing over. She managed to keep her chick safe through it all and she put up a good fight as there is feathers EVERYWHERE! Anyways, I hope she is strong enough to pull through this. I think her chick is whats keeping her going.
I hope Bella is hanging in there. I posted on your picture thread about my hen who had her side ripped open by a hawk who survived. She did not have stitches and healed over very well. Actually, I have read that not stitching, can help with wound drainage. If you do use steristrips, leave an opening for drainage. We put triple antibiotic ointment on and in the the wound, but after a couple days we smelled a the slight smell of infection so we dosed her with injectable antibiotic (called Pen G in the US).

It is amazing how chickens can heal from some awful wounds.
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Ok, this post make me think my chicken is not a BO after all, I am a first timer to chickens so I could have easily been misguided. My BO are around 18-19 weeks old they are not as filled out as many of your pics. My girls look rather slender next to yours. So tell me do I have a BO or not.

Ok, this post make me think my chicken is not a BO after all, I am a first timer to chickens so I could have easily been misguided. My BO are around 18-19 weeks old they are not as filled out as many of your pics. My girls look rather slender next to yours. So tell me do I have a BO or not.

I'm no expert but she looks like a BO to me, maybe on the small side. But she will fill out

This is one of my buffs close to 22 weeks.

This was a about a month ago-

She will probably fill out. Any chance she is younger then you thought?
When I look at all the pics, I notice there seem to be 2 distinct types of BOs, as far as characteristics go. Some have almost no combs or waddles, and others, like poor Bella (thinking of her a lot since reading..hoping she pulls through!) have distinct combs and waddles. Am I wrong?? New to this....
This is my 6 week old buff orpington, Carsey. I have a feeling Carsey (my daughter named her) might be a male, if so, it will be changed to Carson.

Thanks everyone! The vets just refused to anything. The best they would give me is to go in and pay for the consultation to get her anti biotics. She's doesn't appear to need them yet. I will be checking daily for infection and topping it up with anti septic spray. She was moved into a bigger, better ventilated shed yesterday with straw as bedding so it doesnt go in her wound. I hid meal worms under the bedding and her and she chick had a good scratch around looking for them. I am going to let her out for an hour tonight to see her friends so she's not forgotten. I will be doing it just before they go to bed so theres less flies about! Here is her and her baby
How do you know it was a dog John? Did you see any tracks? What kind of dog does the farmer have? I hope Bella's going to heal up ok and it doesn't become infected. I read penicillin is good for wounds. Glad all the babies are ok. Did Bella's mom have any injuries?
It would just make sense. The day the farmer was doing work in the field for a few hours and something happened then. Also foxes don't usually come in daytime and why would they attack but not kill any of them? There are young chicks around, they would be an easy meal. The dogs are the typical sheep dogs, so border collies. There would have been 2 or 3, she's lucky she wasn't ripped apart. I think all her feathers saved her! And Bellas mother is fine, she must have managed to avoid it all. Bellas mother would have known to quietly move away when she saw them coming but Bella on the other hand would of went absolutely mental and attracted all the attention to her!

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