*Buff Orpington Thread!*

Adorable as always!

Thanks! :)
I have learned to carry a glove and wear a long sleeve shirt to check eggs. Some mothers are very protective.

I've a B. Marans who will chase you out of the coop. She was not so protective as to keep her chicks alive and I found both dead. I will now make sure she has her own space and beware if I need to tend to them. I think it was the roo that killed them. Unlike my Del roo who never bothers chicks.
Yep, they will be very protective until it comes to a higher hen having a go! I usually keep mine separated until they are a week old and then they go out to free range with the rest of the flock. Haven't lost one yet!
hi, sorry, i'm new to this stuff, can you please tell me what SOP & NIPI means?

It should read NPIP, which means National Poultry Improvement Plan, a government program that was set up to protect the food supply. Some folks think by having your birds tested for those two diseases (yes, the main program is just two main, mostly eradicated diseases in the U.S., sometimes others if you pay more for it), that it means your flock is healthy. It does not. An NPIP flock can be a carrier of several diseases that are not tested for.

SOP is Standard of Perfection, which gives the proper form each breed should take, conformation, eye and leg color, accepted plumage colors, etc.
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Quote: This picture has such wonderful components! It is beautiful! It has balance, rhythm, tension, the the composition is so good. and the little blue flower just nails it!
You have well trained chicken models.
This could be a bucolic oil painting hanging over fire place somewhere.
I love it.
This picture has such wonderful components! It is beautiful! It has balance, rhythm, tension, the the composition is so good. and the little blue flower just nails it!
You have well trained chicken models.
This could be a bucolic oil painting hanging over fire place somewhere. 
I love it.

X2 love it!
This picture has such wonderful components! It is beautiful! It has balance, rhythm, tension, the the composition is so good. and the little blue flower just nails it!
You have well trained chicken models.
This could be a bucolic oil painting hanging over fire place somewhere.
I love it.
Thanks! :)
They're...6 months? Hatched 01/13/14.
Eloise has been laying for..maybe 2 or 3 ish weeks. Still waiting on Ava! She's the last one! Well...minus the Silkie. But she's younger.

Oh ok, I've heard Buffs are a little slower to mature..... Guess mine might have a few more weeks..... She sure is checking out the nesting box, but no eggs yet.... Thanks
what color is their combs/waddles ?

They are red .... Here's a picture of Miss Daisy ...

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