*Buff Orpington Thread!*

Buckwheat and her egg.
Frizzles are adorable...
I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this question?
We have 2 Buffs, 1 Black Sex Link, 1 Leghorn, and 1 Wydanette (sp). All are laying eggs now except for the 2 Buff hens. Do Buffs take a bit longer to lay? Many Thanks for your responses.
I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this question?
We have 2 Buffs, 1 Black Sex Link, 1 Leghorn, and 1 Wydanette (sp). All are laying eggs now except for the 2 Buff hens. Do Buffs take a bit longer to lay? Many Thanks for your responses.

Buffs can start laying later... how old are your girls?
I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this question?
We have 2 Buffs, 1 Black Sex Link, 1 Leghorn, and 1 Wydanette (sp). All are laying eggs now except for the 2 Buff hens. Do Buffs take a bit longer to lay? Many Thanks for your responses.

I have two BO's in a mixed flock. Of all my birds, the BO's were the last to lay. One sooner than the other. The last to lay, Penny, hatched Oct 2nd and didn't start laying until 2 weeks ago...that's 10 months old. From what I have been told that is not typical but don't give up on them, they will lay when they are ready.
I have two BO's in a mixed flock. Of all my birds, the BO's were the last to lay. One sooner than the other. The last to lay, Penny, hatched Oct 2nd and didn't start laying until 2 weeks ago...that's 10 months old. From what I have been told that is not typical but don't give up on them, they will lay when they are ready.
My BO's started to lay this week (week 21) at least one is anyway. Ten months seems like a long time.
My BO's started to lay this week (week 21) at least one is anyway. Ten months seems like a long time.
Good breeder stock does mature late, generally. Early laying is usually confined to the hatchery Orps. My hatchery Orps laid before 25 weeks old. My breeder stock didn't begin until 35-40 weeks of age. That's fairly normal. But then, they tend to have better longevity than the hatchery Orps (always exceptions on both sides, but that is usually true)
Thanks for all your replies. Our 2 Buffs are now 5 1/2 months old (hatched about March 1st) so from what you all say that is still a bit early to start laying. The other 3 mixed hens are the same age and started laying 2 weeks ago. The only notable difference between the Buffs from the others is that the Buffs crops/crowns are still smallish and a tan color rather than large & red like the other breeds, so far.
Thanks again! Maybe eggs by Sept?
Thanks for all your replies. Our 2 Buffs are now 5 1/2 months old (hatched about March 1st) so from what you all say that is still a bit early to start laying. The other 3 mixed hens are the same age and started laying 2 weeks ago. The only notable difference between the Buffs from the others is that the Buffs crops/crowns are still smallish and a tan color rather than large & red like the other breeds, so far.
Thanks again! Maybe eggs by Sept?

Watch for the color change in the "crops/crowns" (combs/wattles) and look for the squat when you reach for them. They should be ready to lay when those things happen.

Where are you located?
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We have one BO that was always the most friendliest of all. She is 21 weeks old and not laying yet. She has started pecking at one of the other chickens and will jump up and peck your fingers. Don't know why she is doing this all of the sudden.

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