*Buff Orpington Thread!*

Thanks Jaysgirl.
No my chics have not yet ventured outside. Mine are going to be 1 week old tomorrow. Maybe this week I will get them outside and scratching for some bugs. There are alot of flies around the horse poop pile so I hope that they will eat some of those.
Thanks Jaysgirl.
No my chics have not yet ventured outside. Mine are going to be 1 week old tomorrow. Maybe this week I will get them outside and scratching for some bugs. There are alot of flies around the horse poop pile so I hope that they will eat some of those.
Tomphot my 6w buff looks like she has a shark fin! It just started doing that today. My other 6w buff is a bit smaller and not as feathered as this one.
Thanks Wyorp Rock
"Mid-Summer heat makes outdoor brooding a breeze. Mine were even completely outside in the run at around 3weeks."

I thought this also. After reading that baby chicks need 95 degrees I thought it might be good to get them when it is that temp outside naturally.
One of my 14 week old BO's just turned on her three other BO sisters. They were out in the garden together all afternoon and everything was fine. I put them back in their run and several hours later I hear squawking and I go out there and she's chasing them around, one specifically, and pecking her in the eyes.

I pulled her out of the run and put her in a dog crate. That calmed things down. But what is going on? I can't keep her separated in a dog crate moving forward.

She's too young to be coming into lay and hormonal. What is up w/ this bird and what do I do?!?
Here are my 2 Orpington 6 week olds - hatchery stock so I hope they are both pullets. The Lavender had a very slow start, thought she wasn't going to make it during the first 3 days and has been the runt, in the past 2 weeks, she has caught up with the rest.
My Buff sure has some back!!
Cute Chicks!

Posing for the camera!

One of my 14 week old BO's just turned on her three other BO sisters. They were out in the garden together all afternoon and everything was fine. I put them back in their run and several hours later I hear squawking and I go out there and she's chasing them around, one specifically, and pecking her in the eyes.

I pulled her out of the run and put her in a dog crate. That calmed things down. But what is going on? I can't keep her separated in a dog crate moving forward.

She's too young to be coming into lay and hormonal. What is up w/ this bird and what do I do?!?
It may be a challenge in pecking order.
Eyes are very attractive to chickens, nice shiny things to peck at, but if she's chasing them down, not quite sure about that. Hopefully a couple of days in jail will calm her down.
If the problem persists you may want to start a thread on either the Chicken Behaviors or Managing You Flock forum to see if someone has a better idea of what is going on.
I put her in a dog crate in time out for 90 minutes. She did not like it at all and was really upset so I put a towel around most of the crate to make it dark and calm her down. Then about a half hour before bedtime, I put her back out w/ the other hens and all was fine.

The others ran from her at first, clearly still remembering her pecking. But she never went for them and just started preening.

This morning, all seems fine so maybe that was just a blip.

She was so aggressively going after them yesterday that it really freaked me out.
And we're going to have heat this week so I'm really limited on where I could put her in a dog crate for time out that will stay cool.

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