Buff Orpingtons. Pullets or Roos?


7 Years
Feb 25, 2012
South Alabama
I have 3 BOs that are 3 weeks old and Im pretty sure one is a roo and one is a pullet but one seems to be caught in between. Any help would be appreciated.

This is the one Im sure is a roo. Hes not skittish AT ALL and he has an obviously bigger comb and red wattles (or is it waddles?). He feathered up so fast I was hopin it was a pullet but itd be the roosteresty pullet ever lol.

This is the one Im sure is a pullet. Small comb and wattles.

This is the one I dont know about. The comb seems bigger than the pullets but smaller than the roos and the wattles are small too. Its also pretty skittish.
I would say 1 is a cockerel, 2 is a pullet and 3 is a cockerel. #3 has quite a bit of red wattle for a 3 week old pullet.
I was afraid of that. I was hopin that since the wattles were still light colored and not as big that it might still be a pullet. Out of my 17 chicks I already have 4 I suspect roos and 2 others Im not sure about. This makes 5 suspect roos. Grr.
Well it looks unanimous. Buttercup is now just Butters lol. Thanks everyone. Im hopein in another week or 2 my brahmas will be old enough for me to post pics of them and get some gender guesses. Im hopin only one of them is a roo since i already have these 2 roos, one BR roo, and one mystery chick i suspect is a roo.

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