Buff Orpingtons


12 Years
Feb 3, 2008
Fingerlakes Upstate, NY
I decided to get buffies because I read they were easy going and friendly. I never expected they’d be quite this nice. They’re like my dog!!! I get in the car in the morning, they’re freaking out cause I going! I drive in the driveway, they’re piled in the corner on top of each other squawking and squalling!!

I have eight of them total. Seven are super nice. I was in the pen this morning watering and feeding when the one who's kind of standoffish came over. I bent down and held out a hand. She eased over and put her bill on my finger. I scratched her waddled, she clucked quietly. It was cute. God, I’m a wuss…..
Naaaa, your not a wuss.....they are the friendliest of my bunch here as well. Even the roo. I just LOVE my Buffs!
We had buff orpingtons also. They were very gentle birds. Our rooster was named King David(because he had a harem).
My buffs are the friendliest, too, except for Stumpy, the rooster, he's not happy with me because I had to keep catching him to cover his butt with Vicks, the girls were constantly picking his tailfeathers out and he had a bloody bum
I do wish I could keep him, but if he's noisy (as he no doubt will be) he'll have to go.
My buff roo is very standoff-ish. He was bought at a swap, and was pretty much 'wild' when I got him. Ah well, he's good to his girls, and thats what matters to me!
We're getting some BOs soon! Getting some chicks from Cara on here! Can't wait!!!

I've wanted BOs for 16 years! Way back when I first started wanting chickens. Now, 16 years later, I'm finally startin my flock.
I have three BO and wouldnt trade them for anything.
Audrey comes running over when I open the brooder and jumps on my hand to be held. Mae and Olivia are a bit shy. But they arent as pushy about it.
I plan on making a designer chicken carrier for Audrey so I can take her everywhere with me. Paris has her little toy dog and I have my BO Audrey:D
I have 4 Buffs they are now just over 8 weeks old, and they are all friendly although one of them seems to be a bit stupid compared to the others. That would be the one to the back of the picture.

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