Buff Orpingtons

I've got three 8 1/2 week Buff Orps. Mine are so quiet but from what I read on here that will change. They are just a joy to watch outside in the pen. It's like their shape is always perfect. My SLWs really had a pitiful Starling stage for a few weeks but not these beauties. I keep thinking that I can't wait to see them grown but I love watching them as babies now.
Please post pictures!! I would love to see your Buff Orps and your light brahmas!! I have some dark brahma on their way to me also!!
Nice pics
keep em' comeing
and I would like to see your SLW's
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I have to agree that the buffs are a beautiful bird. I was just to have pullets but ended up with a BO rooster and I'm glad I did. He is a handsome guy and he takes care of my first set of hens(7) and just now letting the 14 younger hens into his care. My two buff hens just started laying a couple weeks ago. I'm glad to see some pics posted because their combs and wattles are pale in color compared to my SLW and Australorps. I was beginning to think they may be a bit under the weather. They seem happy in every way. But in these pics they are the same color. WHEW!! I guess that is normal, huh?

K form Linn Co., Kansas
My favorite Orpingtons are the BBS Orpingtons, but I do have a buff hen, and she's great!




She is currently broody...again
And is setting on 21 eggs.

Here is my black orpington roo, I will be getting a splash orp. today from PC, so I'll have blue babies soon



Black and splash orp chicks:


My Buff Orp hen that I just hatched the Splash/Buff Orpington chicks from ........these are some pictures of her with some Black Australorp chicks she hatched ........she stood off a coon to save her chicks here from him an lost a couple a toes in the doing



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