Buh-dup! (Hello in chicken language, revealed in How to Speak Chicken by Melissa Caughey)

Hi! Welcome to our group! I have learned many things on here. Love the pictures of chickens and coops! The people are very friendly and some are very experienced in chicken knowledge. Very thankful they are willing to share that knowledge with us. Right now I am dealing with an injured hen and backyard chicken has been so helpful.
Buh-dup, fellow chicken people! My username is Fwoof, named after my sweet gray Silkie who died of old age last month. I have a flock of nine ladies, a gentleman, and four youngsters! Let me introduce them...

Stormy~My favorite, a Silver Laced Sebright bantam who loves to walk into the house and beg for oats!
Henrietta~Stormy's best friend, a Buff Orpington who Stormy imprinted on. Dispite that they were the same age, she let Stormy sleep under her wing at night because she was as big as a mother hen to Stormy.
Lobo~As a chick she had a deformity, a twisted leg, but due to some miracle it twisted back around as good as new overtime :eek:! Now, she's a stunningly beautiful Black Marans who roos instantly fall for.
Cheesey Poof~A sweet and food driven New Hampshire Red.
Coco Puff~A skittish and smart Partridge Plymouth Rock
Hertie~A fluffy black Silkie bantam who likes to be away from the rest of the flock, having her "Hertie Time".
Joleen~The bully of the flock, a barred Plymouth Rock who only stops pecking on others when given a special treat.
Cammi~Joleen's identical sister, who is terrified of Hertie the Silkie bantam, who goes to war with poor Cammi.
Winter~An overly dramatic white Dutch bantam who loves to take dust baths and turn gray! 😁
Rascal~The flock's roo, a Silver Duckwing old English Game Bantam (what a mouthful!) who is always there for his ladies. He also, surprisingly, being a rooster... loves to cuddle. 🥰
And the four unnamed babies~The two big siblings, and the little twins don't have names (or specified genders) yet, but they are hilarious, adorable, and love crushed mealworms.

Sorry if i was too specific, but that's my flock. I'm here to recieve informartion about chickens from more experienced chicken folk as well as share my own chicken facts/tips.
Have a good day!
Welcome to BYC and love your introduction and crazy chicken names!
I don't speak chicken very well and one of mine gets very frustrated with my linguistic incompetence and just shouts louder and louder in her efforts to get me to understand. Nowadays I just agree with her in order to keep the peace!

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