building paradise for the birds

well it might be a cold one today but work is getting excited I just got my 1000 count of ill be building that fun little box for them to grow in for the birds...I shall post some pics prolly later going to get the rest of the stuff for the incubator and also the photo card since my own broke...I guess it was to hot with all the pictures I was uploading....hahaha

What will you be housing them in?
We recently ordered Dubia roaches. This way we can feed my sons beardy and the chickies. We used a Tupperware bin. And got one of those stick on the bottom of the tank heating pads. They are doing great! Eat real good. Amd I've just learned we can feed the cricket complete diet. I will keep supplementing with other good veggies too.
They creep me out! But the kiddos love them.
I would never have thought to give ours candy!
I however do always have some carrots in my pocket. And they know it! We just got our quarter horse this fall. He was hard for them to catch. But is much better for us. Because our pony is all over us and he likes to be near the mini. He is definitely an invert. And the pony is the extrovert! They compliment eachother well.


I would never have thought to give ours candy!
I however do always have some carrots in my pocket. And they know it! We just got our quarter horse this fall. He was hard for them to catch. But is much better for us. Because our pony is all over us and he likes to be near the mini. He is definitely an invert. And the pony is the extrovert! They compliment eachother well.

try peppermints.... if mine hears the wrapper shes all over me. they are teeny enough to be only like a cube of sugar but pack flavor they love.

Cute horses its like the mini is a MINI ME....

I like zip to check them often as the youngers grow and change them out when they get tight tho.

Seriously think about how you're going to deal with snow on those tarps, just tenting it probably will not work if you get any significant accumulation.
Might want to put some 'rafters' up under the tarps and buy or fashion a 'roof rake' to keep snow scraped off.
Just my experience. The first year after I built a new run I put a tarp over 1/2 so they could be out in the rain and the run wouldn't get so muddy. It went over the chicken wire I used for the top of the pen and had a 2 x 6 for the peak at the center. One night we had a big snow and it broke the rafters and the peak board. When I redid it, I gave it a lot more support and haven't had problems since. Its really easy with a tarp to take a broom or shovel from the inside and "bump" the tarp, making everything (water or snow) slide off. Of course by the end of winter you have a huge pile on the perimeter around the outside of your run.

try peppermints.... if mine hears the wrapper shes all over me. they are teeny enough to be only like a cube of sugar but pack flavor they love.

Cute horses its like the mini is a MINI ME....

When I was a kid, I used to ride to the store to buy candy. Every time my pony heard the bag rustle he would stop until I gave him a piece of whatever I had.
hey everyone well good day kinda...the guy that has a truck said he was gunna take me to the lumber store well he never showed up...and my truck is down right no dc wire for the incubator....bla blah taking my ac to dc converter and ripping the wire apart and using that im not waiting any longer...not good to do since I spent eight bucks for it but whatever right....gotta get this thing done cause tomorrow I will be setting thirty chicken well see what happens...if this guy even shows up tommarow...well just got off the phone with the guy im going to get the female lady amhersts from and its set on Monday...and I will also be getting some pictures of his birds..he said it was ok to show people can see where the birds came from ....well some of them two of the doors hung and then I came inside to call the guy to see if he was gunna snag me up and he goes...well I just got done taking a two hour nap..and the truck is hoping for a better day tommarow

hope everyones day went well...and sorry for no pics...I didn't get to go to the store im stranded out ten miles at my home with no car....the lady is in Wisconsin right now for a funeral and my other car is ten miles down the road.....grrrr.....stuck I think its time for a movie....I think so....well after im done bringing in some wood for the fire....this should be chicken true tv...the ups and downs of the

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