Bully chicken- seriously evil

I have 11 hens, 6 from an original hatching and 5 from two months later...all purchased birds. My older 6 have a pecking order that has put the smallest Smurffette as low man on the totem pole, she in turn bullied the younger five so bad they would not even leave the hen house and seldom even came down out of the roost poles.... time and growth spurts has evened the playing field finally and the fact the younger birds have matured into layers and have even more size to grow into because of the breeds. I had made all kinds of hiding spots and added several new perch bars inside house and the run itself to try to coax them out even went so far as to kick them out of hen-house twice....thank goodness it finally worked itself out....I really liked my Smurfette ( an Ameraucana mix) but was getting to the end of my rope.....
I would try some of those peepers so that she can't see the other chickens... I've read mixed reviews on effectiveness but I'm going to give them a shot when I mix my big girls with my mini flock... I'll be putting peepers on all of the chickens except for my silkie in hopes that my silkie will be the queen of the coop.
I am no pro, however, I integrated my chickens and there is definitely a PECKING order. If one is being sassy, I remove (to a dog kennel for the night with a nice playmate) in a calm area. For instance, my garage where nothing can get to them. The next day I let them have time with the flock and pulled the MEANIE....I put the Meanie in a kennel for the next three nights or until she/he leaves the picked on birds alone. Ignoring is fine by me. I let them all know I am boss too. So if Meanie is being sassy I touch her butt and make a sound to let her know I have pecking order above all. It sounds weird but it has worked so far. Granted my chickens sit on my shoulder, fall asleep in my daughters arms, follow us around like dogs....we definitely got some crazy chicken stuff going on at our house so the bratty chickens have no choice but to be good here. lol
I didn't read the entire thread so forgive me if this was already said. I would put her in a dog kennel until she is the "new" one. Then add her back
Well we don't have a dog kennel to use. My dad's friend from work is going to take her, and if it doesn't work he'll give her back, then I might try the tying her legs thing, unless I try it before.
We had a hen that RULED the roost...bullied everyone. I put her in a small cage in a 'time out' for about 8 hours one day. She had a royal fit...banged herself up againt the walls and everything. When she calmed down and I took her out and put her back in the pen with the others she changed her ways! Sounds funny but it's the truth. She was no longer the big cheese. She was demoted in a big way!!!!!
We had a hen that RULED the roost...bullied everyone. I put her in a small cage in a 'time out' for about 8 hours one day. She had a royal fit...banged herself up againt the walls and everything. When she calmed down and I took her out and put her back in the pen with the others she changed her ways! Sounds funny but it's the truth. She was no longer the big cheese. She was demoted in a big way!!!!!

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