Bumble foot *Warning graphic image* need advice


Jun 21, 2019
Hey everyone, this is my first experience with bumble foot and i need some advice. I was able to remove the kernal of puss from her foot without too much of an indecent but when i removed the bandage the next day to apply a fresh one this is what i found.

*Graphic image warning*

Can the infection grow that fast in 12hrs or is this something else? It didn't feel the same as the first bit, not as hard. I didn't want to dig too far without advice first so i covered it all in antibiotic ointment and wrapped it up. I have her in a room with a chicken each on their own crate. The duck is walking better today but i don't know if that's due to the wrap.
I recently have been dealing with a case of bumble foot on the side of the bottom of one of my duck's foot. It seemed like a simple soak, remove and put special ointment, wrap and antibiotics should treat. But it didn't. I repeatedly took her to the vet, where they took out more and more of the infection. It kept coming back!

Then two days after her recent vet appointment, it got so infected and engorged (with the meat of her foot bulging out) that the vet sedated her and operated. He has no clue why it happened, he did an x-ray to make sure it didn't go to the bone and sent it out for testing. At the point of the healing process where I will take her this week for the stitches to be removed.

I am noticing a nasty trend where the hard kernel removal isn't just the issue. It keeps pussing and evolving. I also noticed that every summer one of my duck's gets it. I live in the south and it gets super humid and hot. I spray their coop down every morning and night and disinfect with vinegar. But have come to accept that this may be the con of living in this climate.

I would strongly suggest taking your duck to a vet. This seems like a bad infection and needs antibiotics as well as other treatment approaches.

Hope this helps.
So an update, something for those who are dealing with a bumblefoot that seems not to get better and have puss like in above picture.

After getting the sample sent to the lab by the vet, it was discovered that it was an e-coli infection. It presents and starts the same as bumblefoot, but the standard bumblefoot treatment won't help. The three antibiotics that were tried were useless against e-coli. So it just got worse because the medicine had no effect on it. The results let us know which antibiotics to use as well.
So an update, something for those who are dealing with a bumblefoot that seems not to get better and have puss like in above picture.

After getting the sample sent to the lab by the vet, it was discovered that it was an e-coli infection. It presents and starts the same as bumblefoot, but the standard bumblefoot treatment won't help. The three antibiotics that were tried were useless against e-coli. So it just got worse because the medicine had no effect on it. The results let us know which antibiotics to use as well.
So what did you end up using and is your duck better?
She just got the results in and started the new medicine today. So hopefully she will be! One of the ones that is said to combat this type of infection is Doxycycline.

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