Bumblefoot, New Ideas on Treatment with pictures

Pardon me for answering, but in case Haunted55 is not nearby -

From what I remember, the clear iodine also has ammonia in it. The clear seems to move into the tissue much faster and more than the brown iodine. So the clear enables us to get at the kernel of the infection without cutting.
I hope this isn't so old no one notices that can answer.

There are multiple types of clear iodine. The type at WalMart and Walgreens, a Humco product, has alcohol and potassium iodine (and other stuff) in it. The type at many health food store places (like here: drclarkstore.com/white-iodine-4-fl-oz/) is only water and potassium iodine. I would really like to know, because I have a young pullet that has what I'm positive is a staph/bumblefoot type infection on the back of her neck, in the top layer of skin.

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