Bumblefoot on more chickens??? CONFUSED!

I have had them go thru my foot on several occasions. I am not sure what kind of pines we have but there are hundreds of them around here. I tell ya if they can go thru my tough feet they could certainly puncture a chickens foot IMO.

We may have a different variety then. I've been walking on them barefooted all of my life and have never cut my feet on them. Now the cones are a different story.
How do they get this- we are new to raising chickens. Do they always carry staph, like people, and spread it by contact, or is it living on the floor of the coop?
I have had them go thru my foot on several occasions. I am not sure what kind of pines we have but there are hundreds of them around here. I tell ya if they can go thru my tough feet they could certainly puncture a chickens foot IMO.

We may have a different variety then. I've been walking on them barefooted all of my life and have never cut my feet on them. Now the cones are a different story.

Yep I think we do have a different variety here, I wish I had the kind you have to use as bedding! That would be awesome instead of paying almost 6 bucks a bag for pine shavings that don't go far in a 10 by 12 coop.

Krobin04- They get this by stepping on something sharp on the bottom of the foot then with walking and scratching the infection gets in the little puncture and becomes bumblefoot.

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