Bumblefoot or Sprain?


Jul 30, 2018
I think our black cayuga has a small case of bumblefoot. She walks with a limp and really prefers to be sitting. She doesn't mind us look at it, and the leg doesn't look swollen. She eats and drinks fine. I bought some green goo and will be putting it on her foot. She had a small brown corn looking spot, and today it is white. We soaked her foot last night, put coconut oil on it (before we got the goo) and wrapped it up with gauze and tape, but the other ducks pecked at it and it came off.
Where do you order the bumblefoot booties? Anyone actually ordered some recently? I would like to find some because I think they would be good to have around.
I think our black cayuga has a small case of bumblefoot. She walks with a limp and really prefers to be sitting. She doesn't mind us look at it, and the leg doesn't look swollen. She eats and drinks fine. I bought some green goo and will be putting it on her foot. She had a small brown corn looking spot, and today it is white. We soaked her foot last night, put coconut oil on it (before we got the goo) and wrapped it up with gauze and tape, but the other ducks pecked at it and it came off.
Where do you order the bumblefoot booties? Anyone actually ordered some recently? I would like to find some because I think they would be good to have around.
Hello & welcome, I have never used the booties preferring to make my own types of 'footwear' for whatever.
It sounds like a bumble, a picture would help. If you can soak that foot 2x day in an Epsom salts soak, then put a wet dressing on it and Vet tape it in place. If you do that for a few days, the bumble may become soft enough to 'pick out' - just like a corn!
You will have to keep her separate for a few days, but better to treat now than later, :)
Sorry, I hadn't replied for a while. Our limper is actually doing good now. There were two small brown circular spots on her foot and we just soaked it in ES a couple times and tried to get her alot of swim time. My daughter ended up picking her up and carried her to the pool for a week. We checked them daily and we noticed one brown spot fell off and it was white underneath. By the end of the week, she was actually pulling our leg because she would wait in the pen to be picked up, but we noticed she was walking around the yard just fine. :lol: They are smart little things. She enjoyed the royal treatment. She is walking around normal again, and there are no more spots on her foot. We are checking all of their feet weekly now though. Thanks for everyone's replies!!!

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