Bumblefoot surgery - with pics and "how to"

How long are you supposed to give the Clindamycin for? I have Oxytetracycline and was going to give my chicken that. She's responding to the Neosporin very well, but I tried to do the surgery last night and didn't have any success at anything. There was no white stuff, no sign of puss anywhere, so I don't think she has bumblefoot. I just treated them for worms and she looks like she has some scaly mite. Is it possible that symptoms of scaly mites mimic some of the symptoms of bumblefoot?
Scaly leg mites can make them limp.

When they come in capsules like that, how in the world do you half it or portion it to get the right dose? I've seen many of these fish medicines for sale but most are large dose capsules.
One could try dissolving a capsule in water... so what are those capsules, 150 mg (can't see font, too small)? One capsule in a beaker, then fill to 10 ml mark, now you have 150 mg per 10 ml, or 15 mg per 1 ml. If it doesn't dissolve, that's problematic, so in that case I would use a suspension syrup instead of water, and that you might be able to get a pharmacist to sell you some. That or you can buy a bottle online. -Kathy
I have performed the Bumblefoot surgery several times, but I finally found this thread because I need help. I didn't get cheesy stuff or a corn out of the foot of my Salmon Favorelles or RIR. The surgery was performed about a week ago and has been wrapped and checked every few days. I see these splotchy black areas, not dirt, on their pads and don't know whether to let them be or cut open again. Please advise. I am soaking them in Epsom salts as we speak.
Picture #1 toes are a little dirty because of sticking out of wrap

Picture #2 other foot. Both feet were operated on. This one is cleaner because it fits in the chicken neoprene boot.

Picture #3 RIR post surgery 1 week.

Picture #4 RIR post surgery 1 week other foot.

I labeled the pictures in case you want to reference. I may try the fish antibiotic solution now. I worry about opening them up again. A sincere thanks for looking Ruth, if you get a chance.
I would only keep some vetwrap on that for another week and then take it off. It looks good.
As long as you arent feeling heat from inflammation or swelling (looks like it went down) or the bird limping the same or worse I would say you are 80% there. Definitely wouldn't open it up again
Thanks for the weigh-in. The black splotches are what I worry about because it isn't just the color of their skin, but they aren't scabs either.
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Thanks for the weigh-in. The black splotches are what I worry about because it isn't just the color of their skin, but they aren't scabs either.

They are probably bruising from the surgery or old blood. I wouldn't operate anymore either. Put some neosporin on it and wrap it up a while longer like suggested. If you feel it just isn't coming along or getting worse, try some injectable antibiotics on the birds. Pen G is good for bumblefoot. I know you can find the dosage in this thread.

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